Cell-Cell Interactions


Cell-Cell interactions were computed by a similar method as described by Qiao et al(1). Using a set of proteins designated as receptors, and ligands defined with a set of GO terms and other data sources calculate the set of interactions that represent cell-cell interactions (for example Ligand-receptor, receptor-receptor, ...). This analysis is not limited to Cell-Cell interactions. You can define your own protein types, either manually or by choosing different go terms, and create your customized protein-protein interaction network.


Defining Receptor and Ligands

Receptor genes were defined based on

  1. a set of GO terms:
    • GO:0043235 - receptor complex,

    • GO:0008305 - integrin complex,

    • GO:0072657 - protein localized to membrane

    • GO:0043113 - receptor clustering

    • GO:0004872 -receptor activity,

    • GO:0009897 - external side of plasma membrane)

  2. Uniprot annotations
    • search term -"Receptor [KW-0675]" go:0005886 organism:human.

Ligand genes were defined based on

  1. the GO terms:
    • GO:0005102 - receptor binding

  2. the set of proteins labelled as secreted in the Secretome dataset (http://www.proteinatlas.org/humanproteome/secretome)[PMID:: 25613900].

Receptor and ligand lists were further manually curated


  1. Qiao W, Wang W, Laurenti E, Turinsky AL, Wodak SJ, Bader GD, Dick JE, Zandstra PW Intercellular network structure and regulatory motifs in the human hematopoietic system

CellCellInteractions (last edited 2018-07-06 14:58:11 by RuthIsserlin)

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