#acl All:read ##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki = Mohamed Helmy = [[MohamedHelmy|Bio]] | [[MohamedHelmyFields|Education]] | [[MohamedHelmyPostions|Academic and Research Positions]] | [[MohamedHelmyAffiliations|Affiliations]] | [[MohamedHelmyGrants|Grants, Awards & Fellowships]] | [[MohamedHelmyPublications|Publications]] | [[MohamedHelmyConferences|Conferences & Academic Presentations]] | [[MohamedHelmyReferences|References]] <
> || {{attachment:mhelmy2.png|mhelmy.png}} <
> Postdoc Researcher, Bader Lab<
>The Donnelly Centre,<
>University of Toronto (UofT)<
>'''Contact Address''': [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=160+College+St,+Toronto+ON&om=1|Map]]<
>160 College Street, Room 630<
>The Donnelly Centre<
>University of Toronto<
>Toronto, Ontario<
>Canada, M5S 3E1<
>'''Email''': mohamed.attiashahata AT utoronto.ca<
>''' __References__ '''<
>'''Gary Bader, PhD''' (Current Supervisor)<
>The Donnelly Centre<
>University of Toronto<
>'''Masaru Tomita, PhD''' (MSc & PhD Supervisor)<
>Professor and Director<
>Institute for Advanced Biosciences<
>Keio University<
>'''Akio Kanai, PhD''' (PhD Co-Supervisor)<
>Institute for Advanced Biosciences<
>Keio University<
>||'''Professor Yasushi Ishihama''' (PhD Co-Supervisor)<
>Grad. Sch. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences<
>Kyoto University<
>'''Mitsuhiro Itaya, PhD'''<
>Institute for Advanced Biosciences<
>Keio University<
>|| ----