#acl All:read DanieleMerico:write,delete,revert = Neurological Gene-sets = == Neurological Phenotypes and Brain-specific Expression Gene-sets == '''Last update: May 2011'''<
> Text files * [[attachment:Neuro_ExpHsBr.txt|ExpHsBr: Human Brain-specific Expression]] * [[attachment:Neuro_PhMmAll.txt|PhMmAll: Mouse Neurological Phenotypes converted to Human]] * [[attachment:Neuro_PhHsPsy.txt|PhHsPsy: Human Neuropsychiatric Disorders]] * [[attachment:Neuro_PhHsDev.txt|PhHsDev: Human Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Intellectual Disability]] * [[attachment:Neuro_PhHsMsc.txt|PhHsMsc: Human Other Neurological Disorders]] R Workspace * [[attachment:coreNeuroLists.RData|Neurological Phenotypes and Brain-specific Expression Gene-sets Rws]] '''Details''' * __ID System__: human Entrez-Gene * __Documentation__ * [[attachment:Documentation_v01.pdf|PDF]] * [[attachment:Documentation_v01.pptx|pptx]] * __Notes on use__ * All gene-sets have good quality with respect to enrichment in neuropsychological functions and phenotypes * ''!ExpHsBr'' and ''!PhMmAll'' are the ones I found of higher quality when overlapping with my autism gene-set analysis results * A sizable number of genes in''!PhMmAll'' may have neurological system development phenotypes at relatively early stages (e.g. neural tube formation) * ''!PhHsPsy'' probably includes several genes from candidate gene studies, but is otherwise of good quality * The distinction between ''!PhHsPsy'' and ''!PhHsDev'' is a bit loose, these two gene-sets could be collapsed * ''!PhHsMsc'' is quite heterogeneous, and its neurovascular and neurodegenerative auto-immune components are probably source of bad candidates for researchers working on autism, schizophrenia or ADHD * ''!PhMmAll'' is not completely unbiased, as investigators will make KO mouse models for genes of interest * ''!ExpHsBr'' may be partially biased towards well characterized genes == Gene Ontology Neurological Gene-sets == '''Last update: April 2011'''<
> Text files * [[attachment:GO_neuro_dev.txt|Human Nervous System Development (GO:0007399)]] * [[attachment:GO_neuro_process.txt|Human Nervous System Process (without sensory receptors)]] * Cognition (GO:0050890), Neuronal action potential propagation (GO:0019227), Transmission of nerve impulse (GO:0019226) * [[attachment:GO_synapse.txt|Human Synapse (GO:0045202)]] R Workspace * [[attachment:coreNeuroGO.RData|Gene Ontology Neurological Gene-sets Rws]] '''Details''' * __ID System__: human Entrez-Gene * __Documentation__ * Manually selected Gene Ontology terms * __Notes on use__ * I removed ''sensory receptors'' (e.g. olfactory receptors) from ''Human Nervous System Process'', otherwise they would be the majority of genes in this gene-set * ''Nervous System Process'' includes interesting stuff like ''Neuron differentiation'' and ''Axon guidance'' * These gene-sets depend on Gene Ontology annotations; genes that are poorly annotated are likely to be covered by neurological phenotypes or brain-specific expression gene-sets == Neurological Pathways as Gene-sets == '''Last update: March/April 2011'''<
> Text files * [[attachment:Pathways_neuro.txt|Neurological Pathways (collapsed)]] R Workspace * [[attachment:coreNeuroPathways.RData|Neurological Pathways Rws (by pathway)]] '''Details''' * __ID System__: human Entrez-Gene * __Documentation__ * Manually selected pathways (Reactome, KEGG, Biocarta, NCI) * Breakdown by pathway only in the R ws == R ws Object Structure (common) == * each ws has only one object: a list with two slots: * $gs2gene: list * names: gene-set IDs * slot content: genes (character vector) * $gs2name: character vector * names: gene-set IDs * values: genes == Useful Links == === Genes and Phenotypes === * Mouse genes phenotypes from MGI * [[http://www.informatics.jax.org/searches/MP_form.shtml|Look up Mammalian Phenotype Ontology (MPO) Terms]] * [[ftp://ftp.informatics.jax.org/pub/reports/HMD_HumanPhenotype.rpt|Mouse Gene to Human Homologue Gene to Top MPO Terms]] * [[http://zldev.ccbr.utoronto.ca/~ddong/diseaseHub/|DiseaseHub]] * Resource compiling human gene-phenotype associations from different sources * Last update: 2009 === Gene Ontology Browser === * [[http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/|QuickGO]] === Gene-set Enrichment Analysis === * [[http://conceptgen.ncibi.org/core/conceptGen/index.jsp|ConceptGen]] * I usually use this tool to check if gene-sets make sense * I usually select these sources for the analysis * core: GO (BP, CC), Pathways (all) * extended: MeSH (particularly useful for disease associations) * usually crappy: gene expression, !TransFac