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>Golebiewski M, '''Bader G''', Gleeson P, Gorochowski TE, Keating SM, König M, Myers CJ, Nickerson DP, Sommer B, Waltemath D, Schreiber F<
>[[https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/jib-2024-0015/html|J Integr Bioinform. 2024 Jul 22;21(1)]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39026464/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:IntergBioinform_july2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Single-cell atlas of the human brain vasculature across development, adulthood and disease'''<
>Wälchli T, Ghobrial M, Schwab M, Takada S, Zhong H, Suntharalingham S, Vetiska S, Gonzalez DR, Wu R, Rehrauer H, Dinesh A, Yu K, Chen ELY, Bisschop J, Farnhammer F, Mansur A, Kalucka J, Tirosh I, Regli L, Schaller K, Frei K, Ketela T, Bernstein M, Kongkham P, Carmeliet P, Valiante T, Dirks PB, Suva ML, Zadeh G, Tabar V, Schlapbach R, Jackson HW, De Bock K, Fish JE, Monnier PP, '''Bader GD''', Radovanovic I<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07493-y|Nature. 2024 Aug;632(8025):603-613]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38987604/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Nature_july2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Fatecode enables cell fate regulator prediction using classification-supervised autoencoder perturbation.'''<
>'''Sadria M''', Layton A, Goyal S, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-methods/fulltext/S2667-2375(24)00184-X|Cell Rep Methods. 2024 Jul 15;4(7):100819]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38986613/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:cellrepmethods_July2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.16.520772v1|arXiv]] -[[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.12.16.520772v1.full.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Drugst.One - a plug-and-play solution for online systems medicine and network-based drug repurposing'''<
>Maier A, Hartung M, Abovsky M, Adamowicz K, '''Bader GD''', Baier S, Blumenthal DB, Chen J, Elkjaer ML, Garcia-Hernandez C, Helmy M, Hoffmann M, Jurisica I, Kotlyar M, Lazareva O, Levi H, List M, Lobentanzer S, Loscalzo J, Malod-Dognin N, Manz Q, Matschinske J, Mee M, Oubounyt M, Pastrello C, Pico AR, Pillich RT, Poschenrieder JM, Pratt D, Pržulj N, Sadegh S, Saez-Rodriguez J, Sarkar S, Shaked G, Shamir R, Trummer N, Turhan U, Wang RS, Zolotareva O, Baumbach J<
>[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10274948/|Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Jul 5;52(W1):W481-W488]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38783119/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:NuclAcid_May2024.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.15453|arXiv]] -[[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.15453|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Single-cell, single-nucleus, and spatial transcriptomics characterization of the immunological landscape in the healthy and PSC human liver'''<
>'''Andrews TS''', Nakib D, Perciani CT, Ma XZ, Liu L, Winter E, Camat D, Chung SW, Lumanto P, Manuel J, Mangroo S, Hansen B, Arpinder B, Thoeni C, Sayed B, Feld J, Gehring A, Gulamhusein A, Hirschfield GM, Ricciuto A, '''Bader GD''', !McGilvray ID, !MacParland S<
>[[https://www.journal-of-hepatology.eu/article/S0168-8278(24)00003-5/fulltext|J Hepatol. 2024 May;80(5):730-743]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38199298/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Jhepatol_May2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Multimodal Medical Answer Generation using Large Language Models'''<
>Toma A, '''Xie R''', '''Palayew S''', '''Bader GD''', Wang B<
> [[https://aclanthology.org/2024.clinicalnlp-1.60/|2024. WangLab at MEDIQA-M3G 2024: In Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop, pages 624–634]]<
>[[https://aclanthology.org/2024.clinicalnlp-1.60/|Abstract]] - [[attachment:Mediam3g_april2024_2.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The multimodality cell segmentation challenge: toward universal solutions'''<
>Ma J, '''Xie R''', '''Ayyadhury S''', Ge C, Gupta A, Gupta R, Gu S, Zhang Y, Lee G, Kim J, Lou W, Li H, Upschulte E, Dickscheid T, de Almeida JG, Wang Y, Han L, Yang X, Labagnara M, Gligorovski V, Scheder M, Rahi SJ, Kempster C, Pollitt A, Espinosa L, Mignot T, Middeke JM, Eckardt JN, Li W, Li Z, Cai X, Bai B, Greenwald NF, Van Valen D, Weisbart E, Cimini BA, Cheung T, Brück O, '''Bader GD''', Wang B<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-024-02233-6|Nat Methods. 2024 Jun;21(6):1103-1113]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38532015/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:NatMethods_March2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Integrated transcriptomics uncovers an enhanced association between the prion protein gene expression and vesicle dynamics signatures in glioblastomas'''<
>Boccacino JM, Dos Santos Peixoto R, Fernandes CFL, Cangiano G, Sola PR, Coelho BP, Prado MB, Melo-Escobar MI, de Sousa BP, '''Ayyadhury S''', '''Bader GD''', Shinjo SMO, Marie SKN, da Rocha EL, Lopes MH<
> [[https://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12885-024-11914-6|BMC Cancer. 2024 Feb 13;24(1):199]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38347462/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:BMCCancer_Feb2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> == 2023 == 1. '''Single-nucleus multiomic atlas of frontal cortex in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with a deep learning-based decoding of alternative polyadenylation mechanisms'''<
>!McKeever PM, '''Sababi AM''', Sharma R, Khuu N, Xu Z, Shen SY, Xiao S, !McGoldrick P, Orouji E, Ketela T, Sato C, Moreno D, Visanji N, Kovacs GG, Keith J, Zinman L, Rogaeva E, Goodarzi H, '''Bader GD''', Robertson J<
> [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.22.573083v1|bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Dec 23,2023]]<
> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38187588/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Biorxiv_Dec2023.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Spatially Resolved Gene Expression Prediction from Histology Images via Bi-modal Contrastive Learning'''<
> '''Xie R''', Pang K, Chung SW, Perciani C, !MacParland S, Wang B, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[https://openreview.net/forum?id=eT1tMdAUoc|Proceedings of the Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems]]<
>[[https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01859|arXiv]] -[[https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.01859.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[https://neurips.cc/virtual/2023/poster/70961|Poster]] <
> 1. '''Adversarial training improves model interpretability in single-cell RNA-seq analysis'''<
>'''Sadria M''', Layton A, '''Bader GD''' <
>[[https://academic.oup.com/bioinformaticsadvances/article/3/1/vbad166/7444320|Bioinform Adv. 2023 Nov 23;3(1)]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38099262/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Bioinformadv_Nov2023.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Open Domain Multi-document Summarization: A Comprehensive Study of Model Brittleness under Retrieval'''<
>'''Giorgi J''', Soldaini L, Wang B, '''Bader G''', Lo K, Wang L, and Cohan A<
> [[https://aclanthology.org/2023.findings-emnlp.549/|Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP Dec 2023, pages 8177–8199]]<
>[[https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.10526|arXiv. 2022 Dec 20]]<
>[[attachment:Compling_Dec2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''A rat liver cell atlas reveals intrahepatic myeloid heterogeneity''' <
>'''Pouyabahar D''', Chung SW, Pezzutti OI, Perciani CT, Wang X, Ma XZ, Jiang C, Camat D, Chung T, Sekhon M, Manuel J, Chen XC, !McGilvray ID, !MacParland SA, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589004223022903|iScience. 2023 Oct 14;26(11):108213]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38026201/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:iscience_Oct2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Fate specification of GFAP-negative primitive neural stem cells and their progeny at clonal resolution'''<
>Yammine S, Burns I, Gosio J, Peluso A, Merritt D, '''Innes B''', Coles B, Yan WR, '''Bader GD''', Morshead C, van der Kooy D<
>[[https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/scd.2023.0038|Stem Cells Dev. 2023 Oct;32(19-20):606-621]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37551982/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:StemCell_Aug2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Distinct shared and compartment-enriched oncogenic networks drive primary versus metastatic breast cancer'''<
>Jiang Z, Ju Y, Ali A, Chung PED, Skowron P, Wang DY, Shrestha M, Li H, '''Liu JC''', Vorobieva I, Ghanbari-Azarnier R, Mwewa E, Koritzinsky M, Ben-David Y, Woodgett JR, Perou CM, Dupuy A, '''Bader GD''', Egan SE, Taylor MD, Zacksenhaus E<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39935-y|Nat Commun. 2023 Jul 18;14(1):4313]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37463901/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Natcomm_July2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Robust segregation of donor and recipient cells from single-cell RNA-sequencing of transplant samples'''<
>Wilson GW, Duong A, Moshkelgosha S, '''Bader G''', Keshavjee S, Martinu T, Juvet SC, Yeung JC<
>[[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/frtra.2023.1161146/full|Front. Transplant., 12 June 2023 Volume 2 - 2023]]<
>[[attachment:Fronttrans_June2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''MAESTER: Masked Autoencoder Guided Segmentation at Pixel Resolution for Accurate, Self-Supervised Subcellular Structure Recognition'''<
>'''Xie R''', Pang K, '''Bader GD''', Wang B<
> [[https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content/CVPR2023/html/Xie_MAESTER_Masked_Autoencoder_Guided_Segmentation_at_Pixel_Resolution_for_Accurate_CVPR_2023_paper.html|Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023, pp. 3292-3301]]<
>[[attachment:CCVF_June2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Multiplatform molecular profiling uncovers two subgroups of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors with distinct therapeutic vulnerabilities'''<
>Suppiah S, Mansouri S, Mamatjan Y, '''Liu JC''', Bhunia MM, Patil V, Rath P, Mehani B, Heir P, Bunda S, Velez-Reyes GL, Singh O, Ijad N, Pirouzmand N, Dalcourt T, Meng Y, Karimi S, Wei Q, Nassiri F, Pugh TJ, '''Bader GD''', Aldape KD, Largaespada DA, Zadeh G<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-38432-6|Nat Commun. 2023 May 10;14(1):2696]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37164978/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Natcomm_May2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Multi-scale systems genomics analysis predicts pathways, cell types, and drug targets involved in normative variation in peri-adolescent human cognition'''<
> '''Pai S''', Hui S, Weber P, Narayan S, '''Whitley O''', Li P, Labrie V, Baumbach J, Wheeler AL, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[https://academic.oup.com/cercor/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cercor/bhad142/7145898?login=false| Cereb Cortex. 2023 Apr 27]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37106565/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:cereb_cortex_April2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Genotyping SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Ratiometric Nucleic Acid Barcode Panels'''<
>Kozlowski HN, Malekjahani A, Li VYC, Lekuti AA, Perusini S, Bell NG, '''Voisin V''', '''Pouyabahar D''', '''Pai S''', '''Bader GD''', Mubareka S, Gubbay JB, Chan WCW<
>[[https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.analchem.2c04630|Anal Chem. 2023 Apr 11;95(14):5877-5885]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37000033/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:anal_chem_April2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Cytoscape.js 2023 update: a graph theory library for visualisation and analysis. Bioinformatics'''<
>'''Franz M''', '''Lopes CT''', '''Fong D''', '''Kucera M''', '''Cheung M''', Siper MC, Huck G, '''Dong Y''', Sumer O, '''Bader GD'''<
> [[https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/advance-article/doi/10.1093/bioinformatics/btad031/6988031|Bioinformatics 2023 Jan 1;39(1)]] <
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36645249/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:bioinformatics_Jan2023.pdf|PDF]] <
> == 2022 == 1. '''Single-cell profiling of healthy human kidney reveals features of sex-based transcriptional programs and tissue-specific immunity'''<
> !McEvoy CM, Murphy JM, Zhang L, Clotet-Freixas S, Mathews JA, An J, Karimzadeh M, '''Pouyabahar D''', Su S, Zaslaver O, Röst H, Arambewela R, Liu LY, Zhang S, Lawson KA, Finelli A, Wang B, !MacParland SA, '''Bader GD''', Konvalinka A, Crome SQ<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35297-z|Nat Commun. 2022 Dec 10;13(1):7634]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36496458/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:NatureCom_Dec2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Loss of Epigenetic Regulation Disrupts Lineage Integrity, Induces Aberrant Alveogenesis, and Promotes Breast Cancer'''<
>Langille E, Al-Zahrani KN, Ma Z, Liang M, Uuskula-Reimand L, Espin R, Teng K, Malik A, Bergholtz H, Ghamrasni SE, Afiuni-Zadeh S, Tsai R, Alvi S, Elia A, Lü Y, Oh RH, Kozma KJ, Trcka D, Narimatsu M, '''Liu JC''', Nguyen T, Barutcu S, Loganathan SK, Bremner R, '''Bader GD''', Egan SE, Cescon DW, Sørlie T, Wrana JL, Jackson HW, Wilson MD, Witkiewicz AK, Knudsen ES, Pujana MA, Wahl GM, Schramek D<
>[[https://aacrjournals.org/cancerdiscovery/article/12/12/2930/711188/Loss-of-Epigenetic-Regulation-Disrupts-Lineage|Cancer Discov. 2022 Dec 2;12(12):2930-2953]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36108220/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:CancerDis_Dec2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Neuron-specific protein network mapping of autism risk genes identifies shared biological mechanisms and disease-relevant pathologies'''<
>Murtaza N, Cheng AA, Brown CO, Meka DP, Hong S, Uy JA, El-Hajjar J, Pipko N, Unda BK, Schwanke B, Xing S, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Engchuan W, Trost B, Deneault E, Calderon de Anda F, Doble BW, Ellis J, Anagnostou E, '''Bader GD''', Scherer SW, Lu Y, Singh KK<
>[[https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(22)01552-2|Cell Rep. 2022 Nov 22;41(8):111678]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36417873/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:CellRep_Nov2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Neurons and glial cells acquire a senescent signature after repeated mild traumatic brain injury in a sex-dependent manner'''<
>Schwab N, Taskina D, Leung E, '''Innes BT''', '''Bader GD''', Hazrati LN<
>[[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2022.1027116/full#:~:text=all%206%20Articles-,Neurons%20and%20glial%20cells%20acquire%20a%20senescent%20signature%20after%20repeated,in%20a%20sex%2Ddependent%20manner&text=Mild%20traumatic%20brain%20injury%20(mTBI,and%20risk%20of%20neurodegenerative%20disease.|Front Neurosci. 2022 Nov 3;16:1027116]]<
> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36408415/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:FrontNeuro_Nov2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''BIONIC: biological network integration using convolutions'''<
>'''Forster DT''', Li SC, Yashiroda Y, Yoshimura M, Li Z, Isuhuaylas LAV, Itto-Nakama K, Yamanaka D, Ohya Y, Osada H, Wang B, '''Bader GD''', Boone C<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01616-x|Nat Methods. 2022 Oct;19(10):1250-1261]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36192463/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:NatMethodsOct2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Single-cell atlas of human liver development reveals pathways directing hepatic cell fates'''<
>Wesley BT, Ross ADB, Muraro D, Miao Z, Saxton S, Tomaz RA, Morell CM, Ridley K, Zacharis ED, Petrus-Reurer S, Kraiczy J, Mahbubani KT, Brown S, Garcia-Bernardo J, Alsinet C, Gaffney D, Horsfall D, Tysoe OC, Botting RA, Stephenson E, Popescu DM, !MacParland S, '''Bader G''', !McGilvray ID, Ortmann D, Sampaziotis F, Saeb-Parsy K, Haniffa M, Stevens KR, Zilbauer M, Teichmann SA, Vallier L<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-022-00989-7|Nat Cell Biol. 2022 Oct;24(10):1487-1498]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36109670/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:NatCellBio_Sept2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''PLAG1 dampens protein synthesis to promote human hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal'''<
>Keyvani Chahi A, Belew MS, Xu J, Chen HTT, Rentas S, '''Voisin V''', Krivdova G, Lechman E, Marhon SA, De Carvalho DD, Dick JE, '''Bader GD''', Hope KJ<
>[[https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/140/9/992/485426/PLAG1-dampens-protein-synthesis-to-promote-human|Blood. 2022 Sep 1;140(9):992-1008]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055193/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Blood_Sept2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Modeling human multi-lineage heart field development with pluripotent stem cells'''<
>Yang D, Gomez-Garcia J, Funakoshi S, '''Tran T''', Fernandes I, '''Bader GD''', Laflamme MA, Keller GM<
> [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1934590922003435?via%3Dihub|Cell Stem Cell. 2022 Sep 1;29(9):1382-1401]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055193/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:StemCell_Sept2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Unraveling the Complexity of Liver Disease One Cell at a Time'''<
>Atif J, Thoeni C, '''Bader GD''', !McGilvray ID, !MacParland SA<
>[[https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0042-1755272|Semin Liver Dis. 2022 Aug;42(3):250-270]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36008091/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:SeminLiver_Aug2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Uncovering the Contribution of Moderate-Penetrance Susceptibility Genes to Breast Cancer by Whole-Exome Sequencing and Targeted Enrichment Sequencing of Candidate Genes in Women of European Ancestry'''<
>Dumont M, Weber-Lassalle N, Joly-Beauparlant C, Ernst C, Droit A, Feng BJ, Dubois S, Collin-Deschesnes AC, Soucy P, Vallée M, Fournier F, Lemaçon A, Adank MA, Allen J, Altmüller J, Arnold N, Ausems MGEM, Berutti R, Bolla MK, Bull S, Carvalho S, Cornelissen S, Dufault MR, Dunning AM, Engel C, Gehrig A, Geurts-Giele WRR, Gieger C, Green J, Hackmann K, Helmy M, Hentschel J, Hogervorst FBL, Hollestelle A, Hooning MJ, Horváth J, Ikram MA, Kaulfuß S, Keeman R, Kuang D, Luccarini C, Maier W, Martens JWM, Niederacher D, Nürnberg P, Ott CE, Peters A, Pharoah PDP, Ramirez A, Ramser J, Riedel-Heller S, Schmidt G, Shah M, Scherer M, Stäbler A, Strom TM, Sutter C, Thiele H, van Asperen CJ, van der Kolk L, van der Luijt RB, Volk AE, Wagner M, Waisfisz Q, Wang Q, Wang-Gohrke S, Weber BHF, Genome Of The Netherlands Project, Ghs Study Group, Devilee P, Tavtigian S, '''Bader GD''', Meindl A, Goldgar DE, Andrulis IL, Schmutzler RK, Easton DF, Schmidt MK, Hahnen E, Simard J<
>[[https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6694/14/14/3363|Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jul 11;14(14)]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35884425/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Cancers_July2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Comprehensive multi-cohort transcriptional meta-analysis of muscle diseases identifies a signature of disease severity'''<
>Walsh CJ, Batt J, Herridge MS, Mathur S, '''Bader GD''', Hu P, Khatri P, Dos Santos CC<
>[[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-15003-1|Sci Rep. 2022 Jul 4;12(1):11260]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35789175/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Scireports_July2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''OpenPIP: An Open-source Platform for Hosting, Visualizing and Analyzing Protein Interaction Data'''<
>'''Helmy M''', Mee M, Ranjan A, Hao T, Vidal M, Calderwood MA, Luck K, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022283622001838|J Mol Biol. 2022 Jun 15;434(11):167603]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35662469/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:JMB_June2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The metabolic enzyme hexokinase 2 localizes to the nucleus in AML and normal haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells to maintain stemness'''<
>Thomas GE, Egan G, García-Prat L, Botham A, '''Voisin V''', Patel PS, Hoff FW, Chin J, Nachmias B, Kaufmann KB, Khan DH, Hurren R, Wang X, Gronda M, !MacLean N, O'Brien C, Singh RP, Jones CL, Harding SM, Raught B, Arruda A, Minden MD, '''Bader GD''', Hakem R, Kornblau S, Dick JE, Schimmer AD<
> [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41556-022-00925-9|Nat Cell Biol. 2022 Jun 6]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35668135/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:NatureCellBio_June2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''A sequence-to-sequence approach for document-level relation extraction'''<
>'''Giorgi, John''' and '''Bader, Gary''' and Wang, Bo<
>[[https://aclweb.org/aclwiki/BioNLP_Workshop|BioNLP @ ACL May 2022]]<
>[[https://aclanthology.org/2022.bionlp-1.2/|ACL Anthology]] - [[https://aclanthology.org/2022.bionlp-1.2.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Identification of the global miR-130a targetome reveals a role for TBL1XR1 in hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and t(8;21) AML'''<
>Krivdova G, '''Voisin V''', Schoof EM, Marhon SA, Murison A, !McLeod JL, Gabra MM, Zeng AGX, Aigner S, Yee BA, Shishkin AA, Van Nostrand EL, Hermans KG, Trotman-Grant AC, Mbong N, Kennedy JA, Gan OI, Wagenblast E, De Carvalho DD, Salmena L, Minden MD, '''Bader GD''', Yeo GW, Dick JE, Lechman ER<
>[[https://www.cell.com/cell-reports/fulltext/S2211-1247(22)00214-5|Cell Rep. 2022 Mar 8;38(10)]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35263585/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:CellRep_March2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''IPO11 regulates the nuclear import of BZW1/2 and is necessary for AML cells and stem cells'''<
>Nachmias B, Khan DH, '''Voisin V''', Mer AS, Thomas GE, Segev N, St-Germain J, Hurren R, Gronda M, Botham A, Wang X, Maclean N, Seneviratne AK, Duong N, Xu C, Arruda A, Orouji E, Algouneh A, Hakem R, Shlush L, Minden MD, Raught B, '''Bader GD''', Schimmer AD<
> [[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41375-022-01513-4|Leukemia. 2022 Feb 12]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35152270/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:leukemia_Feb2022.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''A Shared Transcriptional Identity for Forebrain and Dentate Gyrus Neural Stem Cells from Embryogenesis to Adulthood'''<
>Borrett MJ, Tahmasian N, '''Innes BT''', '''Bader GD''', Kaplan DR, Miller FD<
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> 1. '''Hypophosphorylated pRb knock-in mice exhibit hallmarks of aging and vitamin C-preventable diabetes'''<
>Jiang Z, Li H, Schroer SA, '''Voisin V''', Ju Y, Pacal M, Erdmann N, Shi W, Chung PED, Deng T, Chen NJ, Ciavarra G, Datti A, Mak TW, Harrington L, Dick FA, '''Bader GD''', Bremner R, Woo M, Zacksenhaus E<
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> == 2021 == 1. '''Temporal profiling of therapy resistance in human medulloblastoma identifies novel targetable drivers of recurrence'''<
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> 1. '''Author-sourced capture of pathway knowledge in computable form using Biofactoid'''<
>'''Wong JV''', '''Franz M''', Siper MC, Fong D, Durupinar F, Dallago C, Luna A, '''Giorgi J''', '''Rodchenkov I''', Babur Ö, Bachman JA, Gyori BM, Demir E, '''Bader GD''', Sander C<
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> 1. '''Single-Cell, Single-Nucleus, and Spatial RNA Sequencing of the Human Liver Identifies Cholangiocyte and Mesenchymal Heterogeneity'''<
>'''Andrews TS''', Atif J, Liu JC, Perciani CT, Ma XZ, Thoeni C, Slyper M, Eraslan G, Segerstolpe A, Manuel J, Chung S, Winter E, Cirlan I, Khuu N, Fischer S, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Regev A, !McGilvray ID, '''Bader GD''', !MacParland SA<
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> 1. '''The Reactome pathway knowledgebase 2022'''<
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> 1. '''A flexible search system for high-accuracy identification of biological entities and molecules'''<
>'''Franz M''', '''Wong JV''', Siper MC, Dallago C,Giorgi J, Demir E, Chris Sander C, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''A microfluidic platform enables comprehensive gene expression profiling of mouse retinal stem cells'''<
>Coles BLK, Labib M, Poudineh M, '''Innes BT''', Belair-Hickey J, Gomis S, Wang Z, '''Bader GD''', Sargent EH, Kelley SO, van der Kooy D<
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> 1. '''A roadmap for the Human Developmental Cell Atlas'''<
>Haniffa M, Taylor D, Linnarsson S, Aronow BJ, '''Bader GD''', Barker RA, Camara PG, Camp JG, Chédotal A, Copp A, Etchevers HC, Giacobini P, Göttgens B, Guo G, Hupalowska A, James KR, Kirby E, Kriegstein A, Lundeberg J, Marioni JC, Meyer KB, Niakan KK, Nilsson M, Olabi B, Pe'er D, Regev A, Rood J, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Satija R, Teichmann SA, Treutlein B, Vento-Tormo R, Webb S<
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> 1. '''A clinically applicable integrative molecular classification of meningiomas'''<
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> 1. '''DeCLUTR: Deep Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Textual Representations'''<
>'''John Giorgi''', Osvald Nitski, Bo Wang, '''Gary Bader'''<
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> 1. '''TFEB-mediated endolysosomal activity controls human hematopoietic stem cell fate'''<
>García-Prat L, Kaufmann KB, Schneiter F, '''Voisin V''', Murison A, Chen J, Chan-Seng-Yue M, Gan OI, !McLeod JL, Smith SA, Shoong MC, Parris D, Pan K, Zeng AGX, Krivdova G, Gupta K, Takayanagi SI, Wagenblast E, Wang W, Lupien M, Schroeder T, Xie SZ, Dick JE<
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> 1. '''Nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase inhibitors selectively induce apoptosis of AML stem cells by disrupting lipid homeostasis'''<
>Subedi A, Liu Q, Ayyathan DM, Sharon D, Cathelin S, Hosseini M, Xu C, '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD''', D'Alessandro A, Lechman ER, Dick JE, Minden MD, Wang JCY, Chan SM<
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> 1. '''Control of tissue development and cell diversity by cell cycle dependent transcriptional filtering'''<
>'''Abou Chakra M''', '''Isserlin R''', '''Tran TN''', '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''scNetViz: from single cells to networks using Cytoscape'''<
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> 1. '''Surveilling and Tracking COVID-19 Patients Using a Portable Quantum Dot Smartphone Device'''<
>Zhang Y, Malekjahani A, Udugama BN, Kadhiresan P, Chen H, Osborne M, '''Franz M''', '''Kucera M''', Plenderleith S, Yip L, '''Bader GD''', Tran V, Gubbay JB, !McGeer A, Mubareka S, Chan WCW<
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> 1. '''Generation of mature compact ventricular cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells'''<
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> 1. '''Tutorial: guidelines for annotating single-cell transcriptomic maps using automated and manual methods'''<
> '''Clarke ZA''', '''Andrews TS''', Atif J, '''Pouyabahar D''', '''Innes BT''', !MacParland SA, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''SBGN Bricks Ontology as a tool to describe recurring concepts in molecular networks'''<
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> 1. '''Distinct DNA methylation patterns associated with treatment resistance in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer'''<
>Peter MR, Bilenky M, Davies A, '''Isserlin R''', '''Bader GD''', Fleshner NE, Hirst M, Zoubeidi A, Bapat B<
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> 1. '''The transcriptional landscape of Shh medulloblastoma'''<
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> 1. '''Biological and therapeutic implications of a unique subtype of NPM1 mutated AML'''<
>Mer AS, Heath EM, Madani Tonekaboni SA, Dogan-Artun N, Nair SK, Murison A, Garcia-Prat L, Shlush L, Hurren R, '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD''', Nislow C, Rantalainen M, Lehmann S, Gower M, Guidos CJ, Lupien M, Dick JE, Minden MD, Schimmer AD, Haibe-Kains B<
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> 1. '''PRMT5 inhibition disrupts splicing and stemness in glioblastoma'''<
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> 1. '''Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 potentiates inflammatory programs in normal and leukemia stem cells to promote differentiation'''<
>Xie SZ, Kaufmann KB, Wang W, Chan-Seng-Yue M, Gan OI, Laurenti E, Garcia-Prat L, Takayanagi SI, Ng SWK, Xu C, Zeng AGX, Jin L, McLeod J, Wagenblast E, Mitchell A, Kennedy JA, Liu Q, Boutzen H, Kleinau M, Jargstorf J, Holmes G, Zhang Y, '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD''', Wang JCY, Hannun YA, Luberto C, Schroeder T, Minden MD, Dick JE<
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> 1. '''Gradient of Developmental and Injury Response transcriptional states defines functional vulnerabilities underpinning glioblastoma heterogeneity'''<
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> == 2020 == 1. '''Large-scale survey and database of high affinity ligands for peptide recognition modules'''<
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> 1. '''CD200 expression marks leukemia stem cells in human AML'''<
>Ho JM, Dobson SM, '''Voisin V''', !McLeod J, Kennedy JA, Mitchell A, Jin L, Eppert K, '''Bader G''', Minden MD, Dick JE, Wang JCY<
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> 1. '''netDx: Software for building interpretable patient classifiers by multi-'omic data integration using patient similarity networks'''<
>'''Pai S''', Weber P, '''Isserlin R''', '''Kaka H''', '''Hui S''', '''Shah MA''', Giudice L, Giugno R, Nøhr AK, Baumbach J, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Functional genomic landscape of cancer-intrinsic evasion of killing by T cells'''<
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> 1. '''Tempora: Cell trajectory inference using time-series single-cell RNA sequencing data'''<
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> 1. '''Dynamics of the cell-free DNA methylome of metastatic prostate cancer during androgen-targeting treatment'''<
>Peter MR, Bilenky M, '''Isserlin R''', '''Bader GD''', Shen SY, De Carvalho DD, Hansen AR, Hu P, Fleshner NE, Joshua AM, Hirst M, Bapat B <
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> 1. '''Wnt activation as a therapeutic strategy in medulloblastoma'''<
> Manoranjan B, Venugopal C, Bakhshinyan D, Adile AA, Richards L, Kameda-Smith MM, '''Whitley O''', Dvorkin-Gheva A, Subapanditha M, Savage N, Tatari N, !McKenna D, Bassey-Archibong B, Winegarden N, Hallett R, Provias JP, Yarascavitch B, Ajani O, Fleming A, '''Bader GD''', Pugh TJ, Doble BW, Singh SK<
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> 1. '''Single-Cell Profiling Shows Murine Forebrain Neural Stem Cells Reacquire a Developmental State when Activated for Adult Neurogenesis'''<
> Borrett MJ, '''Innes BT''', Jeong D, Tahmasian N, Storer MA, '''Bader GD''', Kaplan DR, Miller FD<
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> 1. '''Meta-analysis of gene expression profiles of lean and obese PCOS to identify differentially regulated pathways and risk of comorbidities'''<
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> 1. '''Generation of Functional Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells from Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Venous Angioblasts'''<
> Gage BK, '''Liu JC, Innes BT''', !MacParland SA, !McGilvray ID, '''Bader GD''', Keller GM <
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> 1. '''Distinct fibroblast functional states drive clinical outcomes in ovarian cancer and are regulated by TCF21'''<
>Hussain A, '''Voisin V''', Poon S, Karamboulas C, Bui NHB, Meens J, Dmytryshyn J, Ho VW, Tang KH, Paterson J, Clarke BA, Bernardini MQ, '''Bader GD''', Neel BG, Ailles LE<
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> 1. '''Disrupting Mitochondrial Copper Distribution Inhibits Leukemic Stem Cell Self-Renewal'''<
>Singh RP, Jeyaraju DV, '''Voisin V''', Hurren R, '''Xu C''', Hawley JR, Barghout SH, Khan DH, Gronda M, Wang X, Jitkova Y, Sharon D, Liyanagae S, !MacLean N, Seneviratene AK, Mirali S, Borenstein A, Thomas GE, Soriano J, Orouji E, Minden MD, Arruda A, Chan SM, '''Bader GD''', Lupien M, Schimmer AD<
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> 1. '''!BraInMap Elucidates the Macromolecular Connectivity Landscape of Mammalian Brain'''<
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> 1. '''Mitochondrial carrier homolog 2 (MTCH2) is necessary for AML survival'''<
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> 1. '''Relapse fated latent diagnosis subclones in acute B lineage leukaemia are drug tolerant and possess distinct metabolic programs'''<
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> 1. '''Potential Therapeutic Targets for Lung Repair During Human Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion'''<
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> 1. '''Pathway Commons 2019 Update: integration, analysis and exploration of pathway data'''<
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> == 2019 == 1. '''End-to-end Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction using Pre-trained Language Models'''<
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> 1. '''Sphingolipid Modulation Activates Proteostasis Programs to Govern Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal'''<
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> 1. '''Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of the aging mouse brain'''<
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> 1. '''Rewiring of the Human Mitochondrial Interactome during Neuronal Reprogramming Reveals Regulators of the Respirasome and Neurogenesis'''<
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> 1. '''Benchmarking to the Gold Standard: Hyaluronan-Oxime Hydrogels Recapitulate Xenograft Models with In Vitro Breast Cancer Spheroid Culture'''<
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> 1. '''EPIC: software toolkit for elution profile-based inference of protein complexes'''<
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> 1. '''Specifications of Standards in Systems and Synthetic Biology: Status and Developments in 2019'''<
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> 1. '''Towards reliable named entity recognition in the biomedical domain'''<
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> 1. '''Bmi1 regulates human glioblastoma stem cells through activation of differential gene networks in CD133+ brain tumor initiating cells'''<
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> 1. '''The Mitochondrial Transacylase, Tafazzin, Regulates for AML Stemness by Modulating Intracellular Levels of Phospholipids'''<
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> 1. '''Exploring targets of TET2-mediated methylation reprogramming as potential discriminators of prostate cancer progression'''<
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> 1. '''netDx: interpretable patient classification using integrated patient similarity networks'''<
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> 1. '''Evaluation of methods to assign cell type labels to cell clusters from single-cell RNA-sequencing data.''' <
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> 1. '''Powerful gene set analysis in GWAS with the Generalized Berk-Jones statistic'''<
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> 1. <> '''Pathway enrichment analysis and visualization of omics data using g:Profiler, GSEA, Cytoscape and !EnrichmentMap'''<
>'''Reimand J''', '''Isserlin R''', '''Voisin V''', '''Kucera M''', '''Tannus-Lopes C''', '''Rostamianfar A''', Wadi L, Meyer M, '''Wong J''', '''Xu C''', Merico D, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''ARGLU1 is a transcriptional coactivator and splicing regulator important for stress hormone signaling and development'''<
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> == 2018 == 1. '''Induction of rod versus cone photoreceptor-specific progenitors from retinal precursor cells'''<
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> 1. '''The Relative Contributions of Cell-Dependent Cortical Microcircuit Aging to Cognition and Anxiety'''<
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> 1. '''Single cell RNA sequencing of human liver reveals distinct intrahepatic macrophage populations'''<
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> 1. '''scClustViz - Single-cell RNAseq cluster assessment and visualization'''<
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> 1. '''The Human Cell Atlas White Paper'''<
>Aviv Regev, Sarah Teichmann, Orit Rozenblatt-Rosen, Michael Stubbington, Kristin Ardlie, Ido Amit, Paola Arlotta, '''Gary Bader''', Christophe Benoist, Moshe Biton, Bernd Bodenmiller, Benoit Bruneau, Peter Campbell, Mary Carmichael, Piero Carninci, Leslie Castelo-Soccio, Menna Clatworthy, Hans Clevers, Christian Conrad, Roland Eils, Jeremy Freeman, Lars Fugger, Berthold Goettgens, Daniel Graham, Anna Greka, Nir Hacohen, Muzlifah Haniffa, Ingo Helbig, Robert Heuckeroth, Sekar Kathiresan, Seung Kim, Allon Klein, Bartha Knoppers, Arnold Kriegstein, Eric Lander, Jane Lee, Ed Lein, Sten Linnarsson, Evan Macosko, Sonya !MacParland, Robert Majovski, Partha Majumder, John Marioni, Ian !McGilvray, Miriam Merad, Musa Mhlanga, Shalin Naik, Martijn Nawijn, Garry Nolan, Benedict Paten, Dana Pe'er, Anthony Philippakis, Chris Ponting, Steve Quake, Jayaraj Rajagopal, Nikolaus Rajewsky, Wolf Reik, Jennifer Rood, Kourosh Saeb-Parsy, Herbert Schiller, Steve Scott, Alex Shalek, Ehud Shapiro, Jay Shin, Kenneth Skeldon, Michael Stratton, Jenna Streicher, Henk Stunnenberg, Kai Tan, Deanne Taylor, Adrian Thorogood, Ludovic Vallier, Alexander van Oudenaarden, Fiona Watt, Wilko Weicher, Jonathan Weissman, Andrew Wells, Barbara Wold, Ramnik Xavier, Xiaowei Zhuang, Human Cell Atlas Organizing Committee<
> 1. '''Single-Cell RNA Sequencing: A New Window into Cell Scale Dynamics'''<
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> 1. '''The Cytoscape Automation app article collection.'''<
>Demchak B, Otasek D, Pico AR, '''Bader GD''', Ono K, Settle B, Sage E, Morris JH, Longabaugh W, '''Lopes C''', '''Kucera M''', Treister A, Schwikowski B, Molenaar P, Ideker T.<
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> 1. '''Mammary molecular portraits reveal lineage-specific features and progenitor cell vulnerabilities'''<
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> 1. <> '''GeneMANIA update 2018'''<
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> 1. '''Transfer learning for biomedical named entity recognition with neural networks'''<
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> 1. '''Patient Similarity Networks for Precision Medicine'''<
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> '''Liu JC''', Granieri L, Shrestha M, Wang DY, Vorobieva I, Rubie EA, Jones R, Ju Y, Pellecchia G, Jiang Z, Palmerini CA, Ben-David Y, Egan SE, Woodgett JR, '''Bader GD''', Datti A, Zacksenhaus E<
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> 1. '''Specifications of Standards in Systems and Synthetic Biology: Status and Developments in 2017'''<
>Schreiber F, '''Bader GD''', Gleeson P, Golebiewski M, Hucka M, Keating SM, Novère NL, Myers C, Nickerson D, Sommer B, Waltemath D<
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> 1. '''Whole transcriptome analysis reveals differential gene expression profile reflecting macrophage polarization in response to influenza A !H5N1 virus infection'''<
>Zhang N, Bao YJ, Tong AH, '''Zuyderduyn S''', '''Bader GD''', Malik Peiris JS, Lok S, Lee SM<
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> == 2017 == 1. '''Developmental Emergence of Adult Neural Stem Cells as Revealed by Single-Cell Transcriptional Profiling'''<
>Yuzwa SA, Borrett MJ, '''Innes BT''', Voronova A, Ketela T, Kaplan DR, '''Bader GD''', Miller FD<
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> 1. '''A Map of Human Mitochondrial Protein Interactions Linked to Neurodegeneration Reveals New Mechanisms of Redox Homeostasis and NF-κB Signaling'''<
>Malty RH, Aoki H, Kumar A, Phanse S, Amin S, Zhang Q, Minic Z, '''Goebels F''', Musso G, Wu Z, Abou-Tok H, Meyer M, Deineko V, Kassir S, Sidhu V, Jessulat M, Scott NE, Xiong X, Vlasblom J, Prasad B, Foster LJ, Alberio T, Garavaglia B, Yu H, '''Bader GD''', Nakamura K, Parkinson J, Babu M<
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> 1. '''Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci'''<
>Michailidou K, Lindström S, Dennis J, Beesley J, '''Hui S''', Kar S, Lemaçon A,Soucy P, Glubb D, '''Rostamianfar A''', Bolla MK, Wang Q, Tyrer J, Dicks E, Lee A, Wang Z, Allen J, Keeman R, Eilber U, French JD, Qing Chen X, Fachal L, !McCue K, !McCart Reed AE, Ghoussaini M, Carroll JS, Jiang X, Finucane H, Adams M, Adank MA, Ahsan H, Aittomäki K, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova NN, Arndt V, Aronson KJ, Arun B, Auer PL, Bacot F, Barrdahl M, Baynes C, Beckmann MW, Behrens S, Benitez J, Bermisheva M, Bernstein L, Blomqvist C, Bogdanova NV, Bojesen SE, Bonanni B, Børresen-Dale AL, Brand JS, Brauch H, Brennan P, Brenner H, Brinton L, Broberg P, Brock IW, Broeks A, Brooks-Wilson A, Brucker SY, Brüning T, Burwinkel B, Butterbach K, Cai Q, Cai H, Caldés T, Canzian F, Carracedo A, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chan TL, David Cheng TY, Seng Chia K, Choi JY, Christiansen H, Clarke CL; NBCS Collaborators, Collée M, Conroy DM, Cordina-Duverger E, Cornelissen S, Cox DG, Cox A, Cross SS, Cunningham JM, Czene K, Daly MB, Devilee P, Doheny KF, Dörk T, Dos-Santos-Silva I, Dumont M, Durcan L, Dwek M, Eccles DM, Ekici AB, Eliassen AH, Ellberg C, Elvira M, Engel C, Eriksson M, Fasching PA, Figueroa J, Flesch-Janys D, Fletcher O, Flyger H, Fritschi L, Gaborieau V, Gabrielson M, Gago-Dominguez M, Gao YT, Gapstur SM, García-Sáenz JA, Gaudet MM, Georgoulias V, Giles GG, Glendon G, Goldberg MS, Goldgar DE, González-Neira A, Grenaker Alnæs GI, Grip M, Gronwald J, Grundy A, Guénel P, Haeberle L, Hahnen E, Haiman CA, Håkansson N, Hamann U, Hamel N, Hankinson S, Harrington P, Hart SN, Hartikainen JM, Hartman M, Hein A, Heyworth J, Hicks B, Hillemanns P, Ho DN, Hollestelle A, Hooning MJ, Hoover RN, Hopper JL, Hou MF, Hsiung CN, Huang G, Humphreys K, Ishiguro J, Ito H, Iwasaki M, Iwata H, Jakubowska A, Janni W, John EM, Johnson N, Jones K, Jones M, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Kaaks R, Kabisch M, Kaczmarek K, Kang D, Kasuga Y, Kerin MJ, Khan S, Khusnutdinova E, Kiiski JI, Kim SW, Knight JA, Kosma VM, Kristensen VN, Krüger U, Kwong A, Lambrechts D, Le Marchand L, Lee E, Lee MH, Lee JW, Neng Lee C, Lejbkowicz F, Li J, Lilyquist J, Lindblom A, Lissowska J, Lo WY, Loibl S, Long J, Lophatananon A, Lubinski J, Luccarini C, Lux MP, Ma ESK, !MacInnis RJ, Maishman T, Makalic E, Malone KE, Kostovska IM, Mannermaa A, Manoukian S, Manson JE, Margolin S, Mariapun S, Martinez ME, Matsuo K, Mavroudis D, !McKay J, !McLean C, Meijers-Heijboer H, Meindl A, Menéndez P, Menon U, Meyer J, Miao H, Miller N,Taib NAM, Muir K, Mulligan AM, Mulot C, Neuhausen SL, Nevanlinna H, Neven P, Nielsen SF, Noh DY, Nordestgaard BG, Norman A, Olopade OI, Olson JE, Olsson H, Olswold C, Orr N, Pankratz VS, Park SK, Park-Simon TW, Lloyd R, Perez JIA, Peterlongo P, Peto J, Phillips KA, Pinchev M, Plaseska-Karanfilska D, Prentice R, Presneau N, Prokofyeva D, Pugh E, Pylkäs K, Rack B, Radice P, Rahman N, Rennert G, Rennert HS, Rhenius V, Romero A, Romm J, Ruddy KJ, Rüdiger T, Rudolph A, Ruebner M, Rutgers EJT, Saloustros E, Sandler DP, Sangrajrang S, Sawyer EJ, Schmidt DF, Schmutzler RK, Schneeweiss A, Schoemaker MJ, Schumacher F, Schürmann P, Scott RJ, Scott C, Seal S, Seynaeve C, Shah M, Sharma P, Shen CY, Sheng G, Sherman ME, Shrubsole MJ, Shu XO, Smeets A, Sohn C, Southey MC, Spinelli JJ, Stegmaier C, Stewart-Brown S, Stone J, Stram DO, Surowy H, Swerdlow A, Tamimi R, Taylor JA, Tengström M, Teo SH, Beth Terry M, Tessier DC, Thanasitthichai S, Thöne K, Tollenaar RAEM, Tomlinson I, Tong L, Torres D, Truong T, Tseng CC, Tsugane S, Ulmer HU, Ursin G, Untch M, Vachon C, van Asperen CJ, Van Den Berg D, van den Ouweland AMW, van der Kolk L, van der Luijt RB, Vincent D, Vollenweider J, Waisfisz Q, Wang-Gohrke S, Weinberg CR, Wendt C, Whittemore AS, Wildiers H, Willett W, Winqvist R, Wolk A, Wu AH, Xia L, Yamaji T, Yang XR, Har Yip C, Yoo KY, Yu JC, Zheng W, Zheng Y, Zhu B, Ziogas A, Ziv E; ABCTB Investigators; ConFab/AOCS Investigators, Lakhani SR, Antoniou AC, Droit A, Andrulis IL, Amos CI, Couch FJ, Pharoah PDP, Chang-Claude J, Hall P, Hunter DJ, Milne RL, García-Closas M, Schmidt MK, Chanock SJ, Dunning AM, Edwards SL, '''Bader GD''', Chenevix-Trench G, Simard J, Kraft P, Easton DF<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature24284.html|Nature. 2017 Oct 23]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29059683|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Nature_October2017.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Identification of ten variants associated with risk of estrogen-receptor-negative breast cancer'''<
>Milne RL, Kuchenbaecker KB, Michailidou K, Beesley J, Kar S, Lindström S, '''Hui S''', Lemaçon A, Soucy P, Dennis J, Jiang X, '''Rostamianfar A''', Finucane H, Bolla MK, !McGuffog L, Wang Q, Aalfs CM; ABCTB Investigators, Adams M, Adlard J, Agata S, Ahmed S, Ahsan H, Aittomäki K, Al-Ejeh F, Allen J, Ambrosone CB, Amos CI, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova NN, Arndt V, Arnold N, Aronson KJ, Auber B, Auer PL, Ausems MGEM, Azzollini J, Bacot F, Balmaña J, Barile M, Barjhoux L, Barkardottir RB, Barrdahl M, Barnes D, Barrowdale D, Baynes C, Beckmann MW, Benitez J, Bermisheva M, Bernstein L, Bignon YJ, Blazer KR, Blok MJ, Blomqvist C, Blot W, Bobolis K, Boeckx B, Bogdanova NV, Bojesen A, Bojesen SE, Bonanni B, Børresen-Dale AL, Bozsik A, Bradbury AR, Brand JS, Brauch H, Brenner H, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Brewer C, Brinton L, Broberg P, Brooks-Wilson A, Brunet J, Brüning T, Burwinkel B, Buys SS, Byun J, Cai Q, Caldés T, Caligo MA, Campbell I, Canzian F, Caron O, Carracedo A, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Castera L, Caux-Moncoutier V, Chan SB, Chang-Claude J, Chanock SJ, Chen X, Cheng TD, Chiquette J, Christiansen H, Claes KBM, Clarke CL, Conner T, Conroy DM, Cook J, Cordina-Duverger E, Cornelissen S, Coupier I, Cox A, Cox DG, Cross SS, Cuk K, Cunningham JM, Czene K, Daly MB, Damiola F, Darabi H, Davidson R, De Leeneer K, Devilee P, Dicks E, Diez O, Ding YC, Ditsch N, Doheny KF, Domchek SM, Dorfling CM, Dörk T, Dos-Santos-Silva I, Dubois S, Dugué PA, Dumont M, Dunning AM, Durcan L, Dwek M, Dworniczak B, Eccles D, Eeles R, Ehrencrona H, Eilber U, Ejlertsen B, Ekici AB, Eliassen AH; EMBRACE, Engel C, Eriksson M, Fachal L, Faivre L, Fasching PA, Faust U, Figueroa J, Flesch-Janys D, Fletcher O, Flyger H, Foulkes WD, Friedman E, Fritschi L, Frost D, Gabrielson M, Gaddam P, Gammon MD, Ganz PA, Gapstur SM, Garber J, Garcia-Barberan V, García-Sáenz JA, Gaudet MM, Gauthier-Villars M, Gehrig A; GEMO Study Collaborators, Georgoulias V, Gerdes AM, Giles GG, Glendon G, Godwin AK, Goldberg MS, Goldgar DE, González-Neira A, Goodfellow P, Greene MH, Alnæs GIG, Grip M, Gronwald J, Grundy A, Gschwantler-Kaulich D, Guénel P, Guo Q, Haeberle L, Hahnen E, Haiman CA, Håkansson N, Hallberg E, Hamann U, Hamel N, Hankinson S, Hansen TVO, Harrington P, Hart SN, Hartikainen JM, Healey CS; HEBON, Hein A, Helbig S, Henderson A, Heyworth J, Hicks B, Hillemanns P, Hodgson S, Hogervorst FB, Hollestelle A, Hooning MJ, Hoover B, Hopper JL, Hu C, Huang G, Hulick PJ, Humphreys K, Hunter DJ, Imyanitov EN, Isaacs C, Iwasaki M, Izatt L, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, Janni W, Jensen UB, John EM, Johnson N, Jones K, Jones M, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Kaaks R, Kabisch M, Kaczmarek K, Kang D, Kast K; kConFab/AOCS Investigators, Keeman R, Kerin MJ, Kets CM, Keupers M, Khan S, Khusnutdinova E, Kiiski JI, Kim SW, Knight JA, Konstantopoulou I, Kosma VM, Kristensen VN, Kruse TA, Kwong A, Lænkholm AV, Laitman Y, Lalloo F, Lambrechts D, Landsman K, Lasset C, Lazaro C, Le Marchand L, Lecarpentier J, Lee A, Lee E, Lee JW, Lee MH, Lejbkowicz F, Lesueur F, Li J, Lilyquist J, Lincoln A, Lindblom A, Lissowska J, Lo WY, Loibl S, Long J, Loud JT, Lubinski J, Luccarini C, Lush M, !MacInnis RJ, Maishman T, Makalic E, Kostovska IM, Malone KE, Manoukian S, Manson JE, Margolin S, Martens JWM, Martinez ME, Matsuo K, Mavroudis D, Mazoyer S, !McLean C, Meijers-Heijboer H, Menéndez P, Meyer J, Miao H, Miller A, Miller N, Mitchell G, Montagna M, Muir K, Mulligan AM, Mulot C, Nadesan S, Nathanson KL; NBSC Collaborators, Neuhausen SL, Nevanlinna H, Nevelsteen I, Niederacher D, Nielsen SF, Nordestgaard BG, Norman A, Nussbaum RL, Olah E, Olopade OI, Olson JE, Olswold C, Ong KR, Oosterwijk JC, Orr N, Osorio A, Pankratz VS, Papi L, Park-Simon TW, Paulsson-Karlsson Y, Lloyd R,Pedersen IS, Peissel B, Peixoto A, Perez JIA, Peterlongo P, Peto J, Pfeiler G,Phelan CM, Pinchev M, Plaseska-Karanfilska D, Poppe B, Porteous ME, Prentice R, Presneau N, Prokofieva D, Pugh E, Pujana MA, Pylkäs K, Rack B, Radice P, Rahman N, Rantala J, Rappaport-Fuerhauser C, Rennert G, Rennert HS, Rhenius V, Rhiem K, Richardson A, Rodriguez GC, Romero A, Romm J, Rookus MA, Rudolph A, Ruediger T,Saloustros E, Sanders J, Sandler DP, Sangrajrang S, Sawyer EJ, Schmidt DF, Schoemaker MJ, Schumacher F, Schürmann P, Schwentner L, Scott C, Scott RJ, Seal S, Senter L, Seynaeve C, Shah M, Sharma P, Shen CY, Sheng X, Shimelis H,Shrubsole MJ, Shu XO, Side LE, Singer CF, Sohn C, Southey MC, Spinelli JJ, Spurdle AB, Stegmaier C, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sukiennicki G, Surowy H, Sutter C, Swerdlow A, Szabo CI, Tamimi RM, Tan YY, Taylor JA, Tejada MI, Tengström M, Teo SH, Terry MB, Tessier DC, Teulé A, Thöne K, Thull DL, Tibiletti MG, Tihomirova L, Tischkowitz M, Toland AE, Tollenaar RAEM, Tomlinson I, Tong L, Torres D, Tranchant M, Truong T, Tucker K, Tung N, Tyrer J, Ulmer HU, Vachon C, van Asperen CJ, Van Den Berg D, van den Ouweland AMW, van Rensburg EJ, Varesco L, Varon-Mateeva R, Vega A, Viel A, Vijai J, Vincent D, Vollenweider J, Walker L, Wang Z, Wang-Gohrke S, Wappenschmidt B, Weinberg CR, Weitzel JN, Wendt C, Wesseling J, Whittemore AS, Wijnen JT, Willett W, Winqvist R, Wolk A, Wu AH, Xia L, Yang XR, Yannoukakos D, Zaffaroni D, Zheng W, Zhu B, Ziogas A, Ziv E, Zorn KK, Gago-Dominguez M, Mannermaa A, Olsson H, Teixeira MR, Stone J, Offit K, Ottini L, Park SK, Thomassen M, Hall P, Meindl A, Schmutzler RK, Droit A, '''Bader GD''', Pharoah PDP, Couch FJ, Easton DF, Kraft P, Chenevix-Trench G, García-Closas M, Schmidt MK, Antoniou AC, Simard J<
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> 1. '''Comprehensive Analysis of the Human SH3 Domain Family Reveals a Wide Variety of Non-canonical Specificities'''<
>Teyra J, Huang H, '''Jain S''', Guan X, Dong A, Liu Y, Tempel W, Min J, Tong Y, Kim PM, '''Bader GD''', Sidhu SS<
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> 1. '''microRNA-143/145 loss induces Ras signaling to promote aggressive Pten-deficient basal-like breast cancer'''<
>Wang S, '''Liu JC''', Ju Y, Pellecchia G, '''Voisin V''', Wang DY, Leha L R, Ben-David Y, '''Bader GD''', Zacksenhaus E<
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> 1. '''ASCL1 Reorganizes Chromatin to Direct Neuronal Fate and Suppress Tumorigenicity of Glioblastoma Stem Cells'''<
> Park NI, Guilhamon P, Desai K, McAdam RF, Langille E, O'Connor M, Lan X,Whetstone H, Coutinho FJ, Vanner RJ, Ling E, Prinos P, Lee L, Selvadurai H, Atwal G, Kushida M, Clarke ID, '''Voisin V''', Cusimano MD, Bernstein M, Das S, '''Bader G''', Arrowsmith CH, Angers S, Huang X, Lupien M, Dirks PB<
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> 1. '''Tracing the origins of relapse in acute myeloid leukaemia to stem cells'''<
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> 1. '''Spatial heterogeneity in medulloblastoma'''<
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> 1. '''Integrative cancer pharmacogenomics to infer large-scale drug taxonomy'''<
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> 1. '''Leveraging increased cytoplasmic nucleoside kinase activity to target mtDNA and oxidative phosphorylation in AML'''<
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> 1. '''Integrated analysis of proteome, phosphotyrosine-proteome, tyrosine-kinome and tyrosine-phosphatome in acute myeloid leukemia'''<
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> == 2016 == 1. '''Specifications of Standards in Systems and Synthetic Biology: Status and Developments in 2016'''<
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> 1. '''Integrated (epi)-Genomic Analyses Identify Subgroup-Specific Therapeutic Targets in CNS Rhabdoid Tumors'''<
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> 1. '''Global neuroscience and mental health research: a bibliometrics case study'''<
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> 1. '''!AutoAnnotate: A Cytoscape app for summarizing networks with semantic annotations'''<
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> 1. '''Ten Simple Rules for Developing Public Biological Databases'''<
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> 1. '''RB1 deficiency in triple-negative breast cancer induces mitochondrial protein translation'''<
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> 1. '''Ectopic miR-125a Expression Induces Long-Term Repopulating Stem Cell Capacity in Mouse and Human Hematopoietic Progenitors'''<
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> 1. '''Transcriptomic analysis reveals abnormal muscle repair and remodeling in survivors of critical illness with sustained weakness'''<
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> 1. '''Inhibition of Dopamine Receptor D4 Impedes Autophagic Flux, Proliferation, and Survival of Glioblastoma Stem Cells'''<
> Dolma S, Selvadurai HJ, Lan X, Lee L, Kushida M, '''Voisin V''', Whetstone H, So M, Aviv T, Park N, Zhu X, Xu C, Head R, Rowland KJ, Bernstein M, Clarke ID, '''Bader G''', Harrington L, Brumell JH, Tyers M, Dirks PB<
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> 1. '''Frequent mutations in acetylation and ubiquitination sites suggest novel driver mechanisms of cancer'''<
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> 1. '''Musashi-2 attenuates AHR signalling to expand human haematopoietic stem cells'''<
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> 1. '''HOX gene complement and expression in the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea'''<
> Currie KW, Brown DD, Zhu S, '''Xu C''', '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD''', Pearson BJ<
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> 1. '''Social Network: a Cytoscape app for visualizing co-authorship networks'''<
> '''Kofia V''', '''Isserlin R''', Buchan AM, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Predicting physiologically relevant SH3 domain mediated protein-protein interactions in yeast'''<
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> 1. '''miR-126 Regulates Distinct Self-Renewal Outcomes in Normal and Malignant Hematopoietic Stem Cells'''<
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> 1. '''Landscape of Human Breast Cancer Drivers, Vulnerabilities, and Resistance'''<
>Marcotte R, Sayad A, Brown KR, Sanchez-Garcia F, '''Reimand J''', Haider M, Virtanen C, Bradner JE, '''Bader GD''', Mills GB, Pe'er D, Moffat J, Neel BG<
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> 1. '''Divergent clonal selection dominates medulloblastoma at recurrence'''<
>Morrissy AS, Garzia L, Shih DJ, '''Zuyderduyn S''', Huang X, Skowron P, Remke M, '''Cavalli FM''', Ramaswamy V, Lindsay PE, Jelveh S, Donovan LK, Wang X, Luu B, Zayne K, Li Y, Mayoh C, Thiessen N, Mercier E, Mungall KL, Ma Y, Tse K, Zeng T, Shumansky K, Roth AJ, Shah S, Farooq H, Kijima N, Holgado BL, Lee JJ, '''Matan-Lithwick S''', Liu J, Mack SC, Manno A, Michealraj KA, Nor C, Peacock J, Qin L, '''Reimand J''', Rolider A, Thompson YY, Wu X, Pugh T, Ally A, Bilenky M, Butterfield YS, Carlsen R, Cheng Y, Chuah E, Corbett RD, Dhalla N, He A, Lee D, Li HI, Long W, Mayo M, Plettner P, Qian JQ, Schein JE, Tam A, Wong T, Birol I, Zhao Y, Faria CC, Pimentel J, Nunes S, Shalaby T, Grotzer M, Pollack IF, Hamilton RL, Li XN, Bendel AE, Fults DW, Walter AW, Kumabe T, Tominaga T, Collins VP, Cho YJ, Hoffman C, Lyden D, Wisoff JH, Garvin JH, Stearns DS, Massimi L, Schüller U, Sterba J, Zitterbart K, Puget S, Ayrault O, Dunn SE, Tirapelli DP, Carlotti CG, Wheeler H, Hallahan AR, Ingram W, MacDonald TJ, Olson JJ, Van Meir EG, Lee JY, Wang KC, Kim SK, Cho BK, Pietsch T, Fleischhack G, Tippelt S, Ra YS, Bailey S, Lindsey JC, Clifford SC, Eberhart CG, Cooper MK, Packer RJ, Massimino M, Garre ML, Bartels U, Tabori U, Hawkins CE, Dirks P, Bouffet E, Rutka JT, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Weiss WA, Collier LS, Dupuy AJ, Korshunov A, Jones DT, Kool M, Northcott PA, Pfister SM, Largaespada DA, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Jabado N, '''Bader GD''', Jones SJ, Malkin D, Marra MA, Taylor MD<
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>'''CANCER MUTATIONS''' == 2015 == 1. '''!NetMatchStar: an enhanced Cytoscape network querying app'''<
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> 1. '''Specifications of Standards in Systems and Synthetic Biology'''<
>Schreiber F, '''Bader GD''', Golebiewski M, Hucka M, Kormeier B, Le Novère N, Myers C, Nickerson D, Sommer B, Waltemath D, Weise S<
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> 1. '''Identification of CD146 as a marker enriched for tumor-propagating capacity reveals targetable pathways in primary human sarcoma'''<
> Wei Q, Tang YJ, '''Voisin V''', Sato S, Hirata M, Whetstone H, Han I, Ailles L, '''Bader GD''', Wunder J, Alman BA<
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> 1. '''Antitumor activity of the novel multi-kinase inhibitor EC-70124 in triple negative breast cancer'''<
>Cuenca-López MD, Serrano-Heras G, Montero JC, Corrales-Sánchez V, Gomez-Juarez M, Gascón-Escribano MJ, Morales JC, '''Voisin V''', Núñez LE, Morís F, '''Bader GD''', Pandiella A, Ocaña A<
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> 1. '''Systematic analysis of somatic mutations impacting gene expression in 12 tumour types'''<
> Ding J, !McConechy MK, Horlings HM, Ha G, Chun Chan F, Funnell T, Mullaly SC, '''Reimand J''', Bashashati A, '''Bader GD''', Huntsman D, Aparicio S, Condon A, Shah SP<
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> 1. '''Cytoscape.js: a graph theory library for visualisation and analysis'''<
>'''Franz M''', '''Lopes CT''', '''Huck G''', '''Dong Y''', Sumer O, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''EAG2 potassium channel with evolutionarily conserved function as a brain tumor target'''<
>Huang X, He Y, Dubuc AM, Hashizume R, Zhang W, '''Reimand J''', Yang H, Wang TA,Stehbens SJ, Younger S, Barshow S, Zhu S, Cooper MK, Peacock J, Ramaswamy V, Garzia L, Wu X, Remke M, Forester CM, Kim CC, Weiss WA, James CD, Shuman MA, '''Bader GD''', Mueller S, Taylor MD, Jan YN, Jan LY<
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> 1. '''!GreedyPlus: An Algorithm for the Alignment of Interface Interaction Networks'''<
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> 1. '''Inferring interaction type in gene regulatory networks using co-expression data'''<
> '''Khosravi P''', Gazestani VH, Pirhaji L, '''Law B''', Sadeghi M, '''Bader GD''',Goliaei B<
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> 1. '''Canadian Open Genetics Repository (COGR): a unified clinical genomics database as a community resource for standardising and sharing genetic interpretations'''<
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> 1. '''Pathway and network analysis of cancer genomes'''<
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> 1. '''Cardioprotective Signature of Short-Term Caloric Restriction'''<
> Noyan H, El-Mounayri O, '''Isserlin R''', Arab S, Momen A, Cheng HS, Wu J, Afroze T,Li RK, Fish JE, '''Bader GD''', Husain M<
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> 1. '''Inhibition of the Mitochondrial Protease ClpP as a Therapeutic Strategy for Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia'''<
>Cole A, Wang Z, Coyaud E, '''Voisin V''', Gronda M, Jitkova Y, Mattson R, Hurren R, Babovic S, Maclean N, Restall I, Wang X, Jeyaraju DV, Sukhai MA, Prabha S, Bashir S, Ramakrishnan A, Leung E, Qia YH, Zhang N, Combes KR, Ketela T, Lin F, Houry WA, Aman A, Al-Awar R, Zheng W, Wienholds E, Xu CJ, Dick J, Wang JC, Moffat J, Minden MD, Eaves CJ, '''Bader GD''', Hao Z, Kornblau SM, Raught B, Schimmer AD<
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> 1. '''MIMP: predicting the impact of mutations on kinase-substrate phosphorylation'''<
>'''Wagih O''', '''Reimand J''', '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Molecular Classification of Ependymal Tumors across All CNS Compartments, Histopathological Grades, and Age Groups'''<
>Pajtler KW, Witt H, Sill M, Jones DT, Hovestadt V, Kratochwil F, Wani K, Tatevossian R, Punchihewa C, Johann P, '''Reimand J''', Warnatz HJ, Ryzhova M, Mack S, Ramaswamy V, Capper D, Schweizer L, Sieber L, Wittmann A, Huang Z, van Sluis P, Volckmann R, Koster J, Versteeg R, Fults D, Toledano H, Avigad S, Hoffman LM, Donson AM, Foreman N, Hewer E, Zitterbart K, Gilbert M, Armstrong TS, Gupta N, Allen JC, Karajannis MA, Zagzag D, Hasselblatt M, Kulozik AE, Witt O, Collins VP, von Hoff K, Rutkowski S, Pietsch T, '''Bader G''', Yaspo ML, von Deimling A, Lichter P, Taylor MD, Gilbertson R, Ellison DW, Aldape K, Korshunov A, Kool M, Pfister SM<
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> 1. '''Metabolomic profiling in liver of adiponectin knockout mice uncovers lysophospholipid metabolism as an important target of adiponectin action'''<
>Liu Y, Sen S, Wannaiampikul S, Palanivel R, Hoo RL, '''Isserlin R''', '''Bader GD''', Tungtrongchitr R, Deshaies Y, Xu A, Sweeney G<
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> 1. '''Long read nanopore sequencing for detection of HLA and CYP2D6 variants and haplotypes'''<
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> 1. '''Molecular subgroups of atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumours in children: an integrated genomic and clinicopathological analysis'''<
> Torchia J, Picard D, Lafay-Cousin L, Hawkins CE, Kim SK, Letourneau L, Ra YS, Ho KC, Chan TS, Sin-Chan P, Dunham CP, Yip S, Ng HK, Lu JQ, Albrecht S, Pimentel J, Chan JA, Somers GR, Zielenska M, Faria CC, Roque L, Baskin B, Birks D, Foreman N, Strother D, Klekner A, Garami M, Hauser P, Hortobágyi T, Bognár L, Wilson B, Hukin J, Carret AS, Van Meter TE, Nakamura H, Toledano H, Fried I, Fults D, Wataya T, Fryer C, Eisenstat DD, Scheineman K, Johnston D, Michaud J, Zelcer S,Hammond R, Ramsay DA, Fleming AJ, Lulla RR, Fangusaro JR, Sirachainan N, Larbcharoensub N, Hongeng S, Barakzai MA, Montpetit A, Stephens D, Grundy RG, Schüller U, Nicolaides T, Tihan T, Phillips J, Taylor MD, Rutka JT, Dirks P, '''Bader GD''', Warmuth-Metz M, Rutkowski S, Pietsch T, Judkins AR, Jabado N, Bouffet E, Huang A<
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> 1. '''Promoting Coordinated Development of Community-Based Information Standards for Modeling in Biology: The COMBINE Initiative'''<
> Hucka M, Nickerson DP, '''Bader GD''', Bergmann FT, Cooper J, Demir E, Garny A, Golebiewski M, Myers CJ, Schreiber F, Waltemath D, Le Novère N<
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> 1. ''' IL-7 coordinates proliferation, differentiation and Tcra recombination during thymocyte β-selection'''<
> Boudil A, Matei IR, Shih HY, Bogdanoski G, Yuan JS, Chang SG, Montpellier B,Kowalski PE, '''Voisin V''', Bashir S, '''Bader GD''', Krangel MS, Guidos CJ <
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> 1. '''A Progesterone-CXCR4 Axis Controls Mammary Progenitor Cell Fate in the Adult Gland.'''<
>Shiah YJ, Tharmapalan P, Casey AE, Joshi PA, !McKee TD, Jackson HW, Beristain AG, Chan-Seng-Yue MA, '''Bader GD''', Lydon JP, Waterhouse PD, Boutros PC, Khokha R<
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> 1. '''Evolutionary Constraint and Disease Associations of Post-Translational Modification Sites in Human Genomes''' <
>'''Reimand J''', '''Wagih O''', '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Single cell-derived clonal analysis of human glioblastoma links functional and genomic heterogeneity'''<
>Meyer M, '''Reimand J''', Lan X, Head R, Zhu X, Kushida M, Bayani J, Pressey JC, Lionel AC, Clarke ID, Cusimano M, Squire JA, Scherer SW, Bernstein M, Woodin MA, '''Bader GD''', Dirks PB<
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>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25561528|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:PNASJan2015.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''PATHWAY AND NETWORK ANALYSIS''' == 2014 == 1. '''Systems analysis reveals down-regulation of a network of pro-survival miRNAs drives the apoptotic response in dilated cardiomyopathy'''<
> '''Isserlin R''', Merico D, Wang D, Vuckovic D, Bousette N, Gramolini AO, '''Bader GD''', Emili A<
> [[http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2015/MB/C4MB00265B|Mol Biosyst 2015 Jan;11(1):239-51]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25361207|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:mbs2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Combined deletion of Pten and p53 in mammary epithelium accelerates triple-negative breast cancer with dependency on eEF2K'''<
>Liu JC, '''Voisin V''', Wang S, Wang DY, Jones RA, Datti A, Uehling D, Al-Awar R, Egan SE, '''Bader GD''', Tsao M, Mak TW, Zacksenhaus E<
>[[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.15252/emmm.201404402/abstract|EMBO Mol Med 2014 Oct 20;6(12):1542-60]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25330770|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:embo2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. <> '''Novel function discovery with GeneMANIA: a new integrated resource for gene function prediction in Escherichia coli'''<
>James Vlasblom, '''Khalid Zuberi''', '''Harold Rodriguez''', Roland Arnold, Alla Gagarinova, Viktor Deineko, Ashwani Kumar, Elisa Leung, Kamran Rizzolo, Bahram Samanfar, '''Luke Chang''', Sadhna Phanse, Ashkan Golshani, Jack F. Greenblatt, Walid A. Houry, Andrew Emili, Quaid Morris, '''Gary Bader''', Mohan Babu<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/10/13/bioinformatics.btu671.abstract|Bioinformatics 2015 Feb 1;31(3):306-10]]<
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25316676|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:genemania_ecoli.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The Cytoscape app article collection'''<
>Pico AR, '''Bader GD''', Demchak B, Guitart Pla O, Hull T, Longabaugh W, '''Lopes C''',Lotia S, Molenaar P, '''Montojo J''', Morris JH, Ono K, Schwikowski B, Welker D, Ideker T.<
>[[http://f1000research.com/articles/3-138/v1|F1000Res 2014 Jul 1;3:138.]]<
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25580224|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:pico_f10002014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. <> '''GeneMANIA: Fast gene network construction and function prediction for Cytoscape'''<
>'''Jason Montojo''','''Khalid Zuberi''', '''Harold Rodriguez''', '''Gary D. Bader''', Quaid Morris<
>[[http://f1000research.com/articles/3-153/v1|F1000Res 2014 Jul 1;3:153]]<
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25254104|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Montojo_f10002014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Enrichment Map - a Cytoscape app to visualize and explore OMICs pathway enrichment results'''<
>'''Isserlin R''', Merico D, '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://f1000research.com/articles/3-141/v1|F1000Res 2014 Jul 1;3:141]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25075306|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Isserlin_f10002014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Intercellular network structure and regulatory motifs in the human hematopoietic system'''<
>Qiao W, Wang W, Laurenti E, Turinsky AL, Wodak SJ, '''Bader GD''', Dick JE, Zandstra PW<
> [[http://msb.embopress.org/content/10/7/741.long|Mol Syst Biol 2014 Jul 15;10(7):741]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25028490|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Qiao_MSB2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Enhancer hijacking activates GFI1 family oncogenes in medulloblastoma'''<
> Northcott PA, Lee C, Zichner T, Stütz AM, Erkek S, Kawauchi D, '''Shih DJ''', Hovestadt V, Zapatka M, Sturm D, Jones DT, Kool M, Remke M, '''Cavalli FM, Zuyderduyn S, Bader GD''', VandenBerg S, Esparza LA, Ryzhova M, Wang W, Wittmann A, Stark S, Sieber L, Seker-Cin H, Linke L, Kratochwil F, Jäger N, Buchhalter I, Imbusch CD, Zipprich G, Raeder B, Schmidt S, Diessl N, Wolf S, Wiemann S, Brors B, Lawerenz C, Eils J, Warnatz HJ, Risch T, Yaspo ML, Weber UD, Bartholomae CC, von Kalle C, Turányi E, Hauser P, Sanden E, Darabi A, Siesjö P, Sterba J, Zitterbart K, Sumerauer D, van Sluis P, Versteeg R, Volckmann R, Koster J, Schuhmann MU, Ebinger M, Grimes HL, Robinson GW, Gajjar A, Mynarek M, von Hoff K, Rutkowski S, Pietsch T, Scheurlen W, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Kulozik AE, von Deimling A, Witt O, Eils R, Gilbertson RJ, Korshunov A, Taylor MD, Lichter P, Korbel JO, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Pfister SM<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature13379.html|Nature 2014 Jul 24;511(7510):428-34]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25043047|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Northcott_Nature2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Quiescent Sox2+ Cells Drive Hierarchical Growth and Relapse in Sonic Hedgehog Subgroup Medulloblastoma'''<
> Vanner RJ, Remke M, Gallo M, Selvadurai HJ, Coutinho F, Lee L, Kushida M, Head R, Morrissy S, Zhu X, Aviv T, '''Voisin V''', Clarke ID, Li Y, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Ma Y, Jones SJ, Marra MA, Malkin D, Northcott PA, Kool M, Pfister SM, '''Bader G''', Hochedlinger K, Korshunov A, Taylor MD, Dirks PB<
>[[http://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/abstract/S1535-6108(14)00220-7|Cancer Cell 2014 Jul 14;26(1):33-47]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24954133|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:vanner_dirks_2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Network Assessor: an automated method for quantitative assessment of a network's potential for gene function prediction'''<
> '''Montojo J''', '''Zuberi K''', Shao Q, '''Bader GD''', Morris Q<
>[[http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fgene.2014.00123/abstract|Front Genet 2014 May 16;5:123]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24904632|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:montojoFrontgenet_2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''A draft map of the human proteome<
>'''Kim MS, Pinto SM, Getnet D, Nirujogi RS, Manda SS, Chaerkady R, Madugundu AK, Kelkar DS, '''Isserlin R''', '''Jain S''', Thomas JK, Muthusamy B, Leal-Rojas P, Kumar P, Sahasrabuddhe NA, Balakrishnan L, Advani J, George B, Renuse S, Selvan LD, Patil AH, Nanjappa V, Radhakrishnan A, Prasad S, Subbannayya T, Raju R, Kumar M, Sreenivasamurthy SK, Marimuthu A, Sathe GJ, Chavan S, Datta KK, Subbannayya Y, Sahu A, Yelamanchi SD, Jayaram S, Rajagopalan P, Sharma J, Murthy KR, Syed N, Goel R, Khan AA, Ahmad S, Dey G, Mudgal K, Chatterjee A, Huang TC, Zhong J, Wu X, Shaw PG, Freed D, Zahari MS, Mukherjee KK, Shankar S, Mahadevan A, Lam H, Mitchell CJ, Shankar SK, Satishchandra P, Schroeder JT, Sirdeshmukh R, Maitra A, Leach SD, Drake CG, Halushka MK, Prasad TS, Hruban RH, Kerr CL, '''Bader GD''', Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Gowda H, Pandey A<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v509/n7502/full/nature13302.html|Nature 2014 May 29;509(7502):575-81]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24870542|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:pandeymay2014.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Mapping the cellular response to small molecules using chemogenomic fitness signatures'''<
>Lee AY, St Onge RP, Proctor MJ, '''Wallace IM''', Nile AH, Spagnuolo PA, Jitkova Y, Gronda M, Wu Y, Kim MK, Cheung-Ong K, Torres NP, Spear ED, Han MK, Schlecht U, Suresh S, Duby G, Heisler LE, Surendra A, Fung E, Urbanus ML, Gebbia M, Lissina E, Miranda M, Chiang JH, Aparicio AM, Zeghouf M, Davis RW, Cherfils J, Boutry M, Kaiser CA, Cummins CL, Trimble WS, Brown GW, Schimmer AD, Bankaitis VA, Nislow C, '''Bader GD''', Giaever G<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/content/344/6180/208.long|Science 2014 Apr 11;344(6180):208-11]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24723613|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Lee_Science.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Prediction and Experimental Characterization of nsSNPs Altering Human PDZ-Binding Motifs'''<
> '''Gfeller D''', Ernst A, Jarvik N, Sidhu SS, '''Bader GD''' <
>[[http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0094507|PLoS One 2014 Apr 10;9(4):e94507]] <
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24722214|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:gfeller_plosone2014.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''!HyperModules: identifying clinically and phenotypically significant network modules with disease mutations for biomarker discovery'''<
> '''Leung A, Bader GD, Reimand J''' <
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/03/28/bioinformatics.btu172.long|Bioinformatics 2014 Apr 8]] <
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24713437|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:leung_Bioinformatics2014.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Genome sequencing of SHH medulloblastoma predicts genotype-related response to smoothened inhibition'''<
>Kool M, Jones DT, Jäger N, Northcott PA, Pugh TJ, Hovestadt V, Piro RM, Esparza LA, Markant SL, Remke M, Milde T, Bourdeaut F, Ryzhova M, Sturm D, Pfaff E, Stark S, Hutter S, Seker-Cin H, Johann P, Bender S, Schmidt C, Rausch T, '''Shih D''', '''Reimand J''', Sieber L, Wittmann A, Linke L, Witt H, Weber UD, Zapatka M, König R, Beroukhim R, Bergthold G, van Sluis P, Volckmann R, Koster J, Versteeg R, Schmidt S, Wolf S, Lawerenz C, Bartholomae CC, von Kalle C, Unterberg A, Herold-Mende C, Hofer S, Kulozik AE, von Deimling A, Scheurlen W, Felsberg J, Reifenberger G, Hasselblatt M, Crawford JR, Grant GA, Jabado N, Perry A, Cowdrey C, Croul S, Zadeh G, Korbel JO, Doz F, Delattre O, '''Bader GD''', McCabe MG, Collins VP, Kieran MW, Cho YJ, Pomeroy SL, Witt O, Brors B, Taylor MD, Schüller U, Korshunov A, Eils R, Wechsler-Reya RJ, Lichter P, Pfister SM, ICGC PedBrain Tumor Project <
>[[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1535610814000737|Cancer Cell 2014 Mar 17;25(3):393-405]] <
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24651015|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Kool_CancerCell2014.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Highlights of B/D-HPP and HPP Resource Pillar Workshops at Yokohama 12th Annual HUPO World Congress of Proteomics'''<
>Aebersold R, '''Bader GD''', Edwards AM, van Eyk J, Kussman M, Qin J, Omenn GS<
>[[http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pmic.201400041/abstract|Proteomics 2014 May;14(9):975-88]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24596128|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:abersold_prot.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Epigenomic alterations define lethal CIMP-positive ependymomas of infancy'''<
> Mack SC, Witt H, Piro RM, Gu L, '''Zuyderduyn S''', Stütz AM, Wang X, Gallo M, Garzia L, Zayne K, Zhang X, Ramaswamy V, Jäger N, Jones DT, Sill M, Pugh TJ, Ryzhova M, Wani KM, '''Shih DJ''', Head R, Remke M, Bailey SD, Zichner T, Faria CC, Barszczyk M, Stark S, Seker-Cin H, Hutter S, Johann P, Bender S, Hovestadt V, Tzaridis T, Dubuc AM, Northcott PA, Peacock J, Bertrand KC, Agnihotri S, '''Cavalli FM''', Clarke I, Nethery-Brokx K, Creasy CL, Verma SK, Koster J, Wu X, Yao Y, Milde T, Sin-Chan P, Zuccaro J, Lau L, Pereira S, Castelo-Branco P, Hirst M, Marra MA, Roberts SS, Fults D, Massimi L, Cho YJ, Van Meter T, Grajkowska W, Lach B, Kulozik AE, von Deimling A, Witt O, Scherer SW, Fan X, Muraszko KM, Kool M, Pomeroy SL, Gupta N, Phillips J, Huang A, Tabori U, Hawkins C, Malkin D, Kongkham PN, Weiss WA, Jabado N, Rutka JT, Bouffet E, Korbel JO, Lupien M, Aldape KD, '''Bader GD''', Eils R, Lichter P, Dirks PB, Pfister SM, Korshunov A, Taylor MD <
>[[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v506/n7489/full/nature13108.html|Nature 2014 Feb 27;506(7489):445-50]] <
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24553142|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Mack_Nature2014.pdf|PDF]] <
> '''PATHWAY AND NETWORK ANALYSIS''' == 2013 == 1. '''TCGA pan-cancer project, thread 2: Network models'''<
>'''Reimand J, Bader GD,''' Adam Margolin, Abel Gonzalez-Perez, David Tamborero, Nuria Lopez-Bigas, John Weinstein, Joshua Stuart, Myles Axton<
>[[http://www.nature.com/ng/2013/131017/full/ng.2787.html|Nature Genetics (2013) doi:10.1038/ng.2787]] <
> 1. '''Coordinate microRNA-mediated regulation of protein complexes in prostate cancer'''<
>'''Alshalalfa M''', '''Bader GD''', Bismar TA, Alhajj R<
>[[http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0084261|PLoS One 2013 Dec 31;8(12):e84261]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24391925|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Alshalalfa_PLOSONE.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Comprehensive identification of mutational cancer driver genes across 12 tumor types'''<
>Tamborero D, Gonzalez-Perez A, Perez-Llamas C, Deu-Pons J, Kandoth C, '''Reimand J''', Lawrence MS, Getz G, '''Bader GD''', Ding L, Lopez-Bigas N<
>[[http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/131002/srep02650/full/srep02650.html|Sci Rep 2013 Oct 2;3:2650]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24084849|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Tamborero_SciRep_TCGA-pancancer.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The mutational landscape of phosphorylation signaling in cancer'''<
>'''Reimand J, Wagih O, Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/131002/srep02651/full/srep02651.html|Sci Rep 2013 Oct 2;3:2651]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24089029|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Reimand_SciRep_TCGA-pancancer.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Using biological pathway data with paxtools'''<
>Demir E, Babur O, '''Rodchenkov I''', Aksoy BA, Fukuda KI, Gross B, Sümer OS, '''Bader GD''', Sander C.<
>[[http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003194|PLoS Comput Biol 2013;9(9):e1003194]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24068901|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Demir_paxtools_ploone.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The BioPAX Validator'''<
> '''Rodchenkov I''', Demir E, Sander C, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/29/20/2659.long|Bioinformatics 2013 Oct 15;29(20):2659-60]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23918249|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Rodchenkov_valid_bioinfo.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Computational approaches to identify functional genetic variants in cancer genomes'''<
>Gonzalez-Perez A, Mustonen V, Reva B, Ritchie GR, Creixell P, Karchin R, Vazquez M, Fink JL, Kassahn KS, Pearson JV, '''Bader GD''', Boutros PC, Muthuswamy L, Ouellette BF, '''Reimand J''', Linding R, Shibata T, Valencia A, Butler A, Dronov S, Flicek P, Shannon NB, Carter H, Ding L, Sander C, Stuart JM, Stein LD, Lopez-Bigas N; International Cancer Genome Consortium Mutation Pathways and Consequences Subgroup of the Bioinformatics Analyses Working Group <
>[[http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v10/n8/full/nmeth.2562.html|Nature Methods 2013 Aug;10(8):723-9]] <
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23900255|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:GonzalezPerez_cancer_mutations_NatMeth.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. <> '''GeneMANIA prediction server 2013 update'''<
> '''Zuberi K''', '''Franz M''', '''Rodriguez H''', '''Montojo J''', '''Lopes CT''', '''Bader GD''', Morris Q <
> [[http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/41/W1/W115.long|Nucleic Acids Res 2013 Jul;41(Web Server issue):W115-22]]<
> [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23794635|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Zuberi_genemanis_NAR.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Cytoscape App Store'''<
> Lotia S, '''Montojo J''', '''Dong Y''', '''Bader GD''', Pico AR<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/29/10/1350.long|Bioinformatics 2013 May 15;29(10):1350-1]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23595664|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Pico_Bioinformatics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''SH3 interactome conserves general function over specific form'''<
>Xin X, Gfeller D, Cheng J, Tonikian R, Sun L, Guo A, Lopez L, Pavlenco A, Akintobi A, Zhang Y, Rual JF, Currell B, Seshagiri S, Hao T, Yang X, Shen YA, Salehi-Ashtiani K, Li J, Cheng AT, Bouamalay D, Lugari A, Hill DE, Grimes ML, Drubin DG, Grant BD, Vidal M, Boone C, Sidhu SS, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v9/n1/full/msb20139.html|Mol Syst Biol 2013 Apr 2;9:652]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23549480|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Xin_SH3inter_MSB.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[http://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/search/do/search?searchString=pubid:23549480|Interactions in Intact Database]]<
> 1. '''Metabolic adaptation to chronic inhibition of mitochondrial protein synthesis in acute myeloid leukemia cells'''<
>Jhas B, Sriskanthadevan S, Skrtic M, Sukhai MA, '''Voisin V''', Jitkova Y, Gronda M, Hurren R, Laister RC, '''Bader GD''', Minden MD, Schimmer AD.<
>[[http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0058367|PLoS One 2013;8(3):e58367]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23520503|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Jhas_leuk_plosone.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Systematic analysis of somatic mutations in phosphorylation signaling predicts novel cancer drivers'''<
>'''Reimand J, Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v9/n1/full/msb201268.html|Mol Syst Biol 2013;9:637]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23340843|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Reimand_MSB_phosphomutations.pdf|PDF]]<
> [[http://genomemedicine.com/content/5/2/19/abstract|Research Highlight in Genome Medicine (2013)]] <
> 1. '''Predicting PDZ domain mediated protein interactions from structure'''<
>'''Hui S, Xing X, Bader GD'''<
> [[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/14/27/abstract|BMC Bioinformatics 2013 Jan 21;14:27]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23336252|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:pdz-struct-2013.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Integrative pathway dissection of molecular mechanisms of moxLDL-induced vascular smooth muscle phenotype transformation'''<
>Karagiannis GS, Weile J, '''Bader GD''', Minta J.<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2261/13/4|BMC Cardiovasc Disord 2013 Jan 16;13:4]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23324130|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:WeileBMC.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''GESTODIFFERENT: A Cytoscape plugin for the generation and the identification of Gene Regulatory Networks describing a stochastic cell differentiation process'''<
>Marco Antoniotti, '''Gary D. Bader''', Giulio Caravagna, Silvia Crippa, Alex Graudenzi and Giancarlo Mauri<
> [[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/01/03/bioinformatics.bts726.abstract|Bioinformatics 2013 Feb 15;29(4):513-4]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23292740|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:GESTODIFFERENT.pdf|PDF]] <
>'''NETWORK SIMULATION''' == 2012 == 1. '''The Biology/Disease-driven Human Proteome Project (B/D-HPP): Enabling Protein Research for the Life Sciences Community'''<
>Aebersold R, '''Bader GD''', Edwards AM, van Eyk JE, Kussmann M, Qin J, Omenn GS<
> [[http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/pr301151m|J Proteome Res 2013 Jan 4;12(1):23-7]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23259511|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:hupo-bdhpp.pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Chromatin is an ancient innovation conserved between Archaea and Eukarya'''<
>'''Ammar R''', Torti D, Tsui K, Gebbia M, Durbic T, '''Bader GD''', Giaever G, Nislow C<
> [[http://elife.elifesciences.org/content/1/e00078|Elife 2012 Dec 13;1:e00078]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23240084|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:e00078.full (1).pdf|PDF]] <
> 1. '''Attenuation of miR-126 Activity Expands HSC In Vivo without Exhaustion'''<
>Lechman ER, Gentner B, van Galen P, Giustacchini A, Saini M, Boccalatte FE, Hiramatsu H, Restuccia U, Bachi A, '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD''', Dick JE, Naldini L<
> [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1934590912005371|Cell Stem Cell 2012 Nov 7]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23142521|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2012_mir126andHSC.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''A travel guide to Cytoscape plugins'''<
>Saito R, Smoot ME, Ono K, Ruscheinski J, Wang PL, Lotia S, Pico AR, '''Bader GD''', Ideker T<
> [[http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v9/n11/full/nmeth.2212.html|Nat Methods 2012 Nov;9(11):1069-76]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23132118|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2012_CytoscapePluginTravelGuide.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Detecting microRNAs of high influence on protein functional interaction networks: a prostate cancer case study'''<
>'''Alshalalfa M''', '''Bader GD''', Goldenberg A, Morris Q, Alhajj R<
> [[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1752-0509/6/112|BMC Syst Biol 2012 Aug 28;6:112]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22929553|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2012_microRNAinfluence.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Disruption of Abi1/Hssh3bp1 expression induces prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia in the conditional Abi1/Hssh3bp1 KO mice'''<
>Xiong X, Chorzalska A, Dubielecka PM, White JR, Vedvyas Y, Hedvat CV, Haimovitz-Friedman A, Koutcher JA, '''Reimand J, Bader GD''', Sawicki JA, Kotula L<
>[[http://www.nature.com/oncsis/journal/v1/n9/full/oncsis201228a.html|Oncogenesis 2012 Sep 3;1:e26]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23552839|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2012_Xiong_ABI1_Oncogenesis.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Subgroup-specific structural variation across 1,000 medulloblastoma genomes'''<
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> 1. '''A Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Conserved Features of Stem Cell Pluripotency in Planarians and Mammals'''<
>Labbé RM, Irimia M, Currie KW, Lin A, Zhu SJ, Brown DD, Ross EJ, '''Voisin V, Bader GD''', Blencowe BJ, Pearson BJ<
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> 1. '''Multiple Genetic Interaction Experiments Provide Complementary Information Useful for Gene Function Prediction'''<
>'''Michaut M, Bader GD'''<
> [[http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002559|PLoS Comput Biol 8(6): e1002559]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22737063|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:MultipleGeneticInteractions.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Domain-mediated protein interaction prediction: From genome to network'''<
>'''Reimand J, Hui S, Jain S, Law B, Bader GD'''<
> [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001457931200316X|FEBS Lett 2012 May 3]]<
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> 1. '''Seventeen-gene signature from enriched Her2/Neu mammary tumor-initiating cells predicts clinical outcome for human HER2+:ERα- breast cancer'''<
>Liu JC, '''Voisin V''', '''Bader GD''', Deng T, Pusztai L, Symmans WF, Esteva FJ, Egan SE, Zacksenhaus E<
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> 1. '''Phosphorylation sites of higher stoichiometry are more conserved'''<
>'''Tan CS''', '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Mapping the Hsp90 Genetic Interaction Network in Candida albicans Reveals Environmental Contingency and Rewired Circuitry'''<
>Diezmann S, '''Michaut M''', Shapiro RS, '''Bader GD''', Cowen LE<
>[[http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1002562|PLoS Genet 2012 Mar;8(3):e1002562]] <
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>'''PATHWAY AND NETWORK ANALYSIS''' == 2011 == 1. '''MUSI: an integrated system for identifying multiple specificity from very large peptide or nucleic acid data sets'''<
>Kim T, Tyndel MS, Huang H, Sidhu SS, '''Bader GD''', '''Gfeller D''', Kim PM<
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> 1. '''Meeting report from the first meetings of the Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE)'''<
>Le Novère N, Hucka M, Anwar N, '''Bader GD''', Demir E, Moodie S, Sorokin A<
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> 1. '''clusterMaker: a multi-algorithm clustering plugin for Cytoscape'''<
>Morris JH, Apeltsin L, Newman AM, Baumbach J, Wittkop T, Su G, '''Bader GD''', Ferrin TE<
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> 1. '''Compound Prioritization Methods Increase Rates of Chemical Probe Discovery in Model Organisms'''<
> '''Iain M. Wallace''', Malene L. Urbanus, Genna M. Luciani,Andrew R. Burns,Mitchell K.L. Han, Hao Wang, Kriti Arora, Lawrence E. Heisler, Michael Proctor, Robert P. St. Onge, Terry Roemer, Peter J. Roy,Carolyn L. Cummins, '''Gary D. Bader''', Corey Nislow, Guri Giaever <
> [[http://www.cell.com/chemistry-biology/abstract/S1074-5521(11)00276-6|Cell Chemistry & Biology 2011 18, 1273–1283]] <
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> 1. '''!NetSlim: high-confidence curated signaling maps'''<
> Raju R, Nanjappa V, Balakrishnan L, Radhakrishnan A, Thomas JK, Sharma J, Tian M, Palapetta SM, Subbannayya T, Sekhar NR, Muthusamy B, Goel R, Subbannayya Y, Telikicherla D, Bhattacharjee M, Pinto SM, Syed N, Srikanth MS, Sathe GJ, Ahmad S, Chavan SN, Sameer Kumar GS, Marimuthu A, Prasad TS, Harsha HC, Rahiman BA, Ohara O, '''Bader GD''', Sujatha Mohan S, Schiemann WP, Pandey A <
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> 1. '''Delineation of Two Clinically and Molecularly Distinct Subgroups of Posterior Fossa Ependymoma'''<
> Witt H, Mack SC, Ryzhova M, Bender S, Sill M, '''Isserlin R''', Benner A, Hielscher T, Milde T, Remke M, Jones DTW, Northcott PA, Garzia L, Bertrand KC, Wittmann A, Yao Y, Roberts SS, Massimi L, Van Meter T, Weiss WA, Gupta N, Grajkowska W, Lach B, Cho YJ, von Deimling A, Kulozik AE, Witt O, '''Bader GD''', Hawkins CE, Tabori U, Guha A, Rutka JT, Lichter P, Korshunov A, Taylor MD, Pfister SM <
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> 1. '''A comprehensive manually curated reaction map of RANKL/RANK-signaling pathway'''<
>Raju R, Balakrishnan L, Nanjappa V, Bhattacharjee M, Getnet D, Muthusamy B, Kurian Thomas J, Sharma J, Rahiman BA, Harsha HC, Shankar S, Prasad TS, Mohan SS, '''Bader GD''', Wani MR, Pandey A <
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> 1. '''PSICQUIC and PSISCORE: accessing and scoring molecular interactions'''<
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> 1. '''Response to Comment on ''Positive Selection of Tyrosine Loss in Metazoan Evolution''''', <
> '''Tan CS''', Schoof EM, Creixell P, Pasculescu A, Lim WA, Pawson T, '''Bader GD''' and Linding R<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/content/332/6032/917.2.full|Science 332(6032):917, 20 May 2011]] <
> 1. '''The multiple-specificity landscape of modular peptide recognition domains'''<
>'''Gfeller D''', Butty F, Wierzbicka M, Verschueren E, Vanhee P, Huang H, Ernst A, Dar N, Stagljar I, Serrano L, Sidhu SS, '''Bader GD''', Kim PM<
>[[http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v7/n1/full/msb201118.html|Molecular Systems Biology 7:484, 26 April 2011]] <
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> 1. '''!WordCloud: a Cytoscape plugin to create a visual semantic summary of networks'''<
>Oesper L, '''Merico D''', '''Isserlin R''', '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Protein Complexes are Central in the Yeast Genetic Landscape'''<
>'''Michaut M''', Baryshnikova A, Costanzo M, Myers CL, Andrews BJ, Boone C, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001092|PLoS Computational Biology 7(2): e1001092 Feb 24 2011]] <
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> 1. '''Bringing order to protein disorder through comparative genomics and genetic interactions'''<
>Bellay J*, Han S*, '''Michaut M*''', Kim T, Costanzo M, Andrews BJ, Boone C, '''Bader GD''', Myers CL, Kim PM<
>[[http://genomebiology.com/2011/12/2/R14/abstract|Genome Biology 12(2):R14 Feb 15 2011]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21324131|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2011_Michaut_Diso.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Too Many Roads Not Taken'''<
>Edwards AM, '''Isserlin R''', '''Bader GD''', Frye SV, Willson TM, Yu FH<
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> 1. '''The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database in PSI-MI 2.5'''<
>'''Isserlin R''', '''El-Badrawi RA''', '''Bader GD'''<
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>'''PROTEIN INTERACTION DATABASE''' == 2010 == 1. '''A regression framework incorporating quantitative and negative interaction data improves prediction of quantitative PDZ domain-peptide interaction from primary sequence'''<
>'''Shao X''', '''Tan CS''', Voss C, Li SS, Deng N, '''Bader GD'''<
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>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21127034|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_ShaoTanBader-PDZAffinity_Bioinformatics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Enrichment Map: A Network-Based Method for Gene-Set Enrichment Visualization and Interpretation'''<
>'''Merico D''', '''Isserlin R''', '''Stueker O''', Emili A, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0013984|PLoS One 2010 Nov 15;5(11):e13984]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21085593|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_MericoIsserlinStuekerBader-EnrichmentMap_PLoSOne.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''An improved method for scoring protein-protein interactions using semantic similarity within the Gene Ontology'''<
>'''Jain S, Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/11/562|BMC Bioinformatics 2010 Nov 15;11(1):562]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21078182|PubMed Abstract]] -[[attachment:2010_JainBader-SemanticSimilarityGO_BMCBioinformatics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Quantitative analysis of fitness and genetic interactions in yeast on a genome scale'''<
>'''Baryshnikova A''', Costanzo M, Kim Y, Ding H, Koh J, Toufighi K, Youn JY, Ou J, San Luis BJ, Bandyopadhyay S, Hibbs M, Hess D, Gingras AC, '''Bader GD''', Troyanskaya OG, Brown GW, Andrews B, Boone C, Myers CL<
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>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21076421|PubMed Abstract]] -[[attachment:2010_BaryshnikovaMyers-SGAScore_NatMethods.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Pathway Commons, a web resource for biological pathway data'''<
>Cerami EG, Gross BE, Demir E, '''Rodchenkov I''', Babur O, Anwar N, Schultz N, '''Bader GD''', Sander C<
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>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21071392|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_CeramiBaderSander-PathwayCommons_NAR.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Proteome scanning to predict PDZ domain interactions using support vector machines'''<
>'''Hui S''', '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/11/507|BMC Bioinformatics 2010 Oct 12;11(1):50]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20939902|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_HuiBader-ProteomeScanningPDZ_BMCBioinformatics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. <> '''GeneMANIA Cytoscape Plugin: Fast gene function predictions on the desktop'''<
>'''Montojo J''', '''Zuberi K''', '''Rodriguez H''', '''Kazi F''', '''Wright G''', '''Donaldson SL''', Morris Q, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/btq562|Bioinformatics 2010 Nov 15;26(22):2927-8]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20926419|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_GeneMANIA_Cytoscape_Plugin_Montojo_Bioinformatics_Oct.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Dynamic interaction networks in a hierarchically organized tissue'''<
>Kirouac DC, Ito C, Csaszar E, Roch A, Yu M, Sykes EA, '''Bader GD''', Zandstra PW<
>[[http://www.nature.com/msb/journal/v6/n1/full/msb201071.html|Mol Syst Biol 2010 Oct 5;6:417]]<
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> 1. '''Functional complex between YAP2 and ZO-2 is PDZ domain dependent, regulates YAP2 nuclear localization and signaling'''<
>Oka T, Remue E, Meerschaert K, Vanloo B, Boucherie C, '''Gfeller D''', '''Bader GD''', Sidhu S, Vandekerckhove J, Gettemans J, Sudol M<
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> 1. '''The BioPAX community standard for pathway data sharing'''<
>Demir E, Cary MP, Paley S, Fukuda K, Lemer C, Vastrik I, Wu G, D'Eustachio P, Schaefer C, Luciano J, Schacherer F, Martinez-Flores I, Hu Z, Jimenez-Jacinto V, Joshi-Tope G, Kandasamy K, Lopez-Fuentes AC, Mi H, Pichler E, '''Rodchenkov I''', Splendiani A, Tkachev S, Zucker J, Gopinath G, Rajasimha H, Ramakrishnan R, Shah I, Syed M, Anwar N, Babur O, Blinov M, Brauner E, Corwin D, '''Donaldson S''', Gibbons F, Goldberg R, Hornbeck P, Luna A, Murray-Rust P, Neumann E, Reubenacker O, Samwald M, van Iersel M, Wimalaratne S, Allen K, Braun B, Whirl-Carrillo M, Cheung KH, Dahlquist K, Finney A, Gillespie M, Glass E, Gong L, Haw R, Honig M, Hubaut O, Kane D, Krupa S, Kutmon M, Leonard J, Marks D, Merberg D, Petri V, Pico A, Ravenscroft D, Ren L, Shah N, Sunshine M, Tang R, Whaley R, Letovksy S, Buetow KH, Rzhetsky A, Schachter V, Sobral BS, Dogrusoz U, !McWeeney S, Aladjem M, Birney E, Collado-Vides J, Goto S, Hucka M, Novère NL, Maltsev N, Pandey A, Thomas P, Wingender E, Karp PD, Sander C, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. '''Coevolution of PDZ domain–ligand interactions analyzed by high-throughput phage display and deep sequencing'''<
>Ernst A, '''Gfeller D''', Kan Z, Seshagiri S, Kim PM, '''Bader GD''', Sidhu SS<
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> 1. '''Cytoscape Web: an interactive web-based network browser'''<
>'''Lopes CT''', '''Franz M''', '''Kazi F''', '''Donaldson SL''', Morris Q, '''Bader GD'''<
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> 1. <> '''The GeneMANIA prediction server: biological network integration for gene prioritization and predicting gene function'''<
>Warde-Farley D, '''Donaldson SL''', '''Comes O''', '''Zuberi K''', '''Badrawi R''', '''Chao P''', '''Franz M''', Grouios C, '''Kazi F''', '''Lopes CT''', '''Maitland A''', Mostafavi S, '''Montojo J''', '''Shao Q''', '''Wright G''', '''Bader GD''', Morris Q<
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> 1. '''Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders'''<
>Pinto D, Pagnamenta AT, Klei L, Anney R, '''Merico D''', Regan R, Conroy J, Magalhaes TR, Correia C, Abrahams BS, Almeida J, Bacchelli E, '''Bader GD''', Bailey AJ, Baird G, Battaglia A, Berney T, Bolshakova N, Bölte S, Bolton PF, Bourgeron T, Brennan S, Brian J, Bryson SE, Carson AR, Casallo G, Casey J, Chung BH, Cochrane L, Corsello C, Crawford EL, Crossett A, Cytrynbaum C, Dawson G, de Jonge M, Delorme R, Drmic I, Duketis E, Duque F, Estes A, Farrar P, Fernandez BA, Folstein SE, Fombonne E, Freitag CM, Gilbert J, Gillberg C, Glessner JT, Goldberg J, Green A, Green J, Guter SJ, Hakonarson H, Heron EA, Hill M, Holt R, Howe JL, Hughes G, Hus V, Igliozzi R, Kim C, Klauck SM, Kolevzon A, Korvatska O, Kustanovich V, Lajonchere CM, Lamb JA, Laskawiec M, Leboyer M, Le Couteur A, Leventhal BL, Lionel AC, Liu XQ, Lord C, Lotspeich L, Lund SC, Maestrini E, Mahoney W, Mantoulan C, Marshall CR, McConachie H, McDougle CJ, McGrath J, McMahon WM, Merikangas A, Migita O, Minshew NJ, Mirza GK, Munson J, Nelson SF, Noakes C, Noor A, Nygren G, Oliveira G, Papanikolaou K, Parr JR, Parrini B, Paton T, Pickles A, Pilorge M, Piven J, Ponting CP, Posey DJ, Poustka A, Poustka F, Prasad A, Ragoussis J, Renshaw K, Rickaby J, Roberts W, Roeder K, Roge B, Rutter ML, Bierut LJ, Rice JP, Salt J, Sansom K, Sato D, Segurado R, Sequeira AF, Senman L, Shah N, Sheffield VC, Soorya L, Sousa I, Stein O, Sykes N, Stoppioni V, Strawbridge C, Tancredi R, Tansey K, Thiruvahindrapduram B, Thompson AP, Thomson S, Tryfon A, Tsiantis J, Van Engeland H, Vincent JB, Volkmar F, Wallace S, Wang K, Wang Z, Wassink TH, Webber C, Weksberg R, Wing K, Wittemeyer K, Wood S, Wu J, Yaspan BL, Zurawiecki D, Zwaigenbaum L, Buxbaum JD, Cantor RM, Cook EH, Coon H, Cuccaro ML, Devlin B, Ennis S, Gallagher L, Geschwind DH, Gill M, Haines JL, Hallmayer J, Miller J, Monaco AP, Nurnberger Jr JI, Paterson AD, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Szatmari P, Vicente AM, Vieland VJ, Wijsman EM, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Betancur C<
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> 1. '''A predictive model for drug bioaccumulation and bioactivity in Caenorhabditis elegans'''<
>Burns AR, '''Wallace IM''', Wildenhain J, Tyers M, Giaever G, '''Bader GD''', Nislow C, Cutler SR, Roy PJ<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nchembio/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/nchembio.380.html|Nat Chem Biol 2010 May 30]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20512140|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_BurnsWallace_bioaccumulationWorms_May.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''International network of cancer genome projects'''<
>International Cancer Genome Consortium<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v464/n7291/full/nature08987.html|Nature 2010 Apr 15;464(7291):993-8]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20393554|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_ICGC.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Pathway analysis of dilated cardiomyopathy using global proteomic profiling and enrichment maps'''<
>'''Isserlin R''', '''Merico D''', Alikhani-Koupaei R, Gramolini A, '''Bader GD''', Emili A<
>[[http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123269335/abstract|Proteomics 2010, March 10(6):1316-27]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20127684|Pubmed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_EM_proteomics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The Genetic Landscape of a Cell'''<
>Costanzo M, '''Baryshnikova A''', Bellay J, Kim Y, Spear ED, Sevier CS, Ding H, Koh JL, Toufighi K, Mostafavi S, Prinz J, St Onge RP, !VanderSluis B, Makhnevych T, Vizeacoumar FJ, Alizadeh S, Bahr S, Brost RL, Chen Y, Cokol M, Deshpande R, Li Z, Lin ZY, Liang W, Marback M, Paw J, San Luis BJ, Shuteriqi E, Tong AH, van Dyk N, '''Wallace IM''', Whitney JA, Weirauch MT, Zhong G, Zhu H, Houry WA, Brudno M, Ragibizadeh S, Papp B, Pál C, Roth FP, Giaever G, Nislow C, Troyanskaya OG, Bussey H, '''Bader GD''', Gingras AC, Morris QD, Kim PM, Kaiser CA, Myers CL, Andrews BJ, Boone C<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/327/5964/425|Science 2010 Jan 22;327(5964):425-31]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20093466|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_CostanzoBaryshnikova_GeneticLandscapeOfTheCell_Science_Jan.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''!NetPath: a public resource of curated signal transduction pathways'''<
>Kandasamy K, Mohan S, Raju R, Keerthikumar S, Kumar GS, Venugopal AK, Telikicherla D, Navarro DJ, Mathivanan S, Pecquet C, Gollapudi SK, Tattikota SG, Mohan S, Padhukasahasram H, Subbannayya Y, Goel R, Jacob HK, Zhong J, Sekhar R, Nanjappa V, Balakrishnan L, Subbaiah R, Ramachandra YL, Rahiman A, Keshava Prasad TS, Lin JX, Houtman JC, Desiderio S, Renauld JC, Constantinescu S, Ohara O, Hirano T, Kubo M, Singh S, Khatri P, Draghici S, '''Bader GD''', Sander C, Leonard WJ, Pandey A<
>[[http://genomebiology.com/2010/11/1/R3|Genome Biology 2010 Jan 12;11(1):R3]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20067622|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2010_Kandasamy_NetPath_GenomeBiol_Jan.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''DRYGIN: a database of quantitative genetic interaction networks in yeast'''<
>Koh JL, Ding H, Costanzo M, '''Baryshnikova A''', Toufighi K, '''Bader GD''', Myers CL, Andrews BJ, Boone C<
>[[http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/38/suppl_1/D502|Nucleic Acids Res 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D502-7]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19880385|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2009_Koh_Drygin_NAR_Oct.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''GENETIC INTERACTION NETWORK DATABASE''' == 2009 == 1. '''Bayesian modeling of the yeast SH3 domain interactome predicts spatiotemporal dynamics of uncharacterized endocytosis proteins'''<
>Tonikian R, Xin X, Toret CP, '''Gfeller D''', Landgraf C, Panni S, Paoluzi S, Castagnoli L, Yu H, Winsor B, Vidal M, Davidson AR, Gerstein MB, '''Bader GD''', Volkmer R, Cesareni G, Drubin DG, Kim PM, Sidhu SS, Boone C<
>[[http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1000218|PLoS Biology 2009 Oct Vol. 7, No. 10, e1000218]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19841731|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2009_Tonikian_YeastSH3_PLoSBiology_Oct.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. <> '''How to visually interpret biological data using networks'''<
> '''Merico D''', '''Gfeller D''', '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v27/n10/abs/nbt.1567.html|Nature Biotechnology 2009 Oct 27, 921-924]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19816451|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2009_Merico_Primer_NatBiotech_Oct.pdf|PDF]]<
> Data: http://www.baderlab.org/NetworkPrimerNBT <
> 1. '''Rapid evolution of functional complexity in a domain family'''<
>Ernst A, Sazinsky SL, '''Hui S''', Currell B, '''Dharsee M''', Seshagiri S, '''Bader GD''', Sidhu SS<
>[[http://stke.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/sigtrans;2/87/ra50|Science Signaling 2009 Sep 8;2(87):ra50]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19738200|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2009_Ernst_PDZEvolution_ScienceSignaling_Sep.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Positive Selection of Tyrosine Loss in Metazoan Evolution'''<
>'''Tan CS''', Pasculescu A, Lim WA, Pawson T, '''Bader GD''', Linding R<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/1174301v2|Science. Sep 25;325(5948):1686-8]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19589966|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2009_Tan_TyrosineLoss_Science.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Comparative Analysis Reveals Conserved Protein Phosphorylation Networks Implicated in Multiple Diseases'''<
>'''Tan CS''', Bodenmiller B, Pasculescu A, Jovanovic M, Hengartner MO, Jørgensen C, '''Bader GD''', Aebersold R, Pawson T, Linding R<
>[[http://stke.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/sigtrans;2/81/ra39|Science Signaling 2(81):r39 (2009)]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19638616|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2009_Tan_ComparativePhosphoProteomics_ScienceSignaling_Jul.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''PROTEIN INTERACTION NETWORK EVOLUTION''' == 2008 == 1. '''A Specificity Map for the PDZ Domain Family'''<
>Tonikian R, Zhang Y, Sazinsky SL, Currell B, Yeh JH, Reva B, Held HA, Appleton BA, Evangelista M, Wu Y, Xin X, Chan AC, Seshagiri S, Lasky LA, Sander C, Boone C, '''Bader GD''', Sidhu SS<
>[[http://biology.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/journal.pbio.0060239|PLoS Biology Vol. 6, No. 9, e239]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18828675|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2008_Tonikian_PDZSpecificityMap_PlosBiology.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Cytoscape ESP: simple search of complex biological networks'''<
>Ashkenazi M, '''Bader GD''', Kuchinsky A, Moshelion M, States DJ<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/btn208v1|Bioinformatics 2008 Jun 15;24(12):1465-6]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18445605|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2008_Ashkenazi_CytoscapeESP_Bioinformatics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Computational prediction of protein-protein interactions'''<
>Skrabanek L, Saini HK, '''Bader GD''', Enright AJ<
>[[http://humanapress.com/index.php?option=com_journalshome&task=articledetails&category=journals&article_code=MB:38:1:1|Molecular Biotechnology 2008 Jan;38(1):1-17]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18095187|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2008_Skrabanek_MolBiotech_PPI.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''REVIEW''' == 2007 == 1. '''Integration of biological networks and gene expression data using Cytoscape'''<
>Cline MS, Smoot M, Cerami E, Kuchinsky A, Landys N, Workman C, Christmas R, Avila-Campilo I, Creech M, Gross B, Hanspers K, '''Isserlin R''', Kelley R, Killcoyne S, Lotia S, Maere S, Morris J, Ono K, '''Pavlovic V''', Pico AR, Vailaya A, Wang PL, Adler A, Conklin BR, Hood L, Kuiper M, Sander C, Schmulevich I, Schwikowski B, Warner GJ, Ideker T, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nprot/journal/v2/n10/abs/nprot.2007.324.html|Nature Protocols 2007;2(10):2366-82]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17947979|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_Cytoscape_Cline_NatureProtocols_Oct.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Broadening the Horizon - Level 2.5 of the HUPO-PSI Format for Molecular Interactions'''<
>Kerrien S, Orchard S, Montecchi-Palazzi L, Aranda B, Quinn AF, Vinod N, '''Bader GD''', Xenarios I, Wojcik J, Sherman D, Tyers M, Salama JJ, Moore S, Ceol A, Chatr-Aryamontri A, Oesterheld M, Stumpflen V, Salwinski L, Nerothin J, Cerami E, Cusick ME, Vidal M, Gilson M, Armstrong J, Woollard P, Hogue C, Eisenberg D, Cesareni G, Apweiler R, Hermjakob H<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/5/44/abstract|BMC Biology 2007 Oct 9;5(1):44]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17925023|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_Kerrien_PSIMI_BMCBiology.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''The minimum information required for reporting a molecular interaction experiment (MIMIx)'''<
>Orchard S, Salwinski L, Kerrien S, Montecchi-Palazzi L, Oesterheld M, Stumpflen V, Ceol A, Chatr-Aryamontri A, Armstrong J, Woollard P, Salama JJ, Moore S, Wojcik J, '''Bader GD''', Vidal M, Cusick ME, Gerstein M, Gavin AC, Superti-Furga G, Greenblatt J, Bader J, Uetz P, Tyers M, Legrain P, Fields S, Mulder N, Gilson M, Niepmann M, Burgoon L, Rivas Jde L, Prieto C, Perreau VM, Hogue C, Mewes HW, Apweiler R, Xenarios I, Eisenberg D, Cesareni G, Hermjakob H<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v25/n8/abs/nbt1324.html|Nat Biotechnol 2007 Aug;25(8):894-8]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17687370|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_MIMIx_OrchardEtAl_NatBiotech_August.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Germ-line DNA copy number variation frequencies in a large North American population'''<
>Zogopoulos G, '''Ha KC''', '''Naqib F''', Moore S, Kim H, Montpetit A, Robidoux F, Laflamme P, Cotterchio M, Greenwood C, Scherer SW, Zanke B, Hudson TJ, '''Bader GD''', Gallinger S<
>[[http://www.springerlink.com/content/f57t61764r0t21mv/|Hum Genet 2007 Nov;122(3-4):345-53]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=pubmed&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=17638019|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_Germ-lineDNACopyNumberVariationFrequenciesInALargeNorthAmericanPopulation_Zogopoulos_Bader_Gallinder_HumanGenetics.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''From bytes to bedside: data integration and computational biology for translational cancer research'''<
>Mathew JP, Taylor BS, '''Bader GD''', Pyarajan S, Antoniotti M, Chinnaiyan AM, Sander C, Burakoff SJ, Mishra B<
>[[http://compbiol.plosjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-document&doi=10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030012|PLoS Comput Biol 2007 Feb 23;3(2):e12]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17319736|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_MatthewTaylorBader_TranslationalReview_PLoSCompBio_Feb.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''!NetMatch: a Cytoscape Plugin for Searching Biological Networks'''<
>Ferro A, Giugno R, Pigola G, Pulvirenti A, Skripin D, '''Bader GD''', Shasha D<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/btm032v1|Bioinformatics 2007 Apr 1;23(7):910-2]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17277332|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_NetMatch-ACytoscapePluginForSearchingBiologicalNetworks_Ferro_Guigno_Bader_Shasha_Apr.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[Software/NetMatch|Download software]]<
> 1. '''Computational prediction of cancer-gene function'''<
>Hu P, '''Bader G''', Wigle DA, Emili A<
>[[http://www.nature.com/nrc/journal/v7/n1/abs/nrc2036.html|Nature Reviews Cancer 2007 Jan;7(1):23-34]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17167517|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2007_ComputationalPredictionOfCancerGeneFunction_Hu_Bader_Wigle_Emili_NatRevCancer_Jan.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''CANCER REVIEW''' == 2006 == 1. '''cPath: open source software for collecting, storing, and querying biological pathways'''<
>Cerami EG, '''Bader GD''', Gross BE, Sander C<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/7/497/abstract|BMC Bioinformatics 2006, 7:497]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=17101041|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2006_cPathOpenSourceSoftwareForCollectingStoringAndQueryingBiologicalPathways_Cerami_Bader_Gross_Sander_BMCBioinfo_Nov.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Pathguide: a Pathway Resource List'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Cary MP, Sander C<
>[[http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/34/suppl_1/D504|Nucleic Acids Research 2006 Jan 1;34(Database issue):D504-6]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16381921&query_hl=14&itool=pubmed_docsum|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2006_Pathguide_Bader_Cary_Sander_NAR_Jan.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''PATHWAY WEBSITE''' == 2005 == 1. '''Pathway information for systems biology'''<
>Cary MP, '''Bader GD''', Sander C<
>[[http://www.febsletters.org/retrieve/pii/S0014579305001705|FEBS Lett 2005 Mar 21;579(8):1815-20]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=15763557&query_hl=14&itool=pubmed_docsum|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2005_PathwayInformationForSystemsBiology_Cary_Bader_Sander_FEBSLetters_Mar.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''PATHWAY REVIEW''' == 2004 == 1. '''Global Mapping of the Yeast Genetic Interaction Network'''<
>Tong AH, Lesage G, '''Bader GD''', Ding H, Xu H, Xin X, Young J, Berriz GF, Brost RL, Chang M, Chen Y, Cheng X, Chua G, Friesen H, Goldberg DS, Haynes J, Humphries C, He G, Hussein S, Ke L, Krogan N, Li Z, Levinson JN, Lu H, Menard P, Munyana C, Parsons AB, Ryan O, Tonikian R, Roberts T, Sdicu AM, Shapiro J, Sheikh B, Suter B, Wong SL, Zhang LV, Zhu H, Burd CG, Munro S, Sander C, Rine J, Greenblatt J, Peter M, Bretscher A, Bell G, Roth FP, Brown GW, Andrews B, Bussey H, Boone C<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/303/5659/808|Science 2004 Feb 6;303(5659):808-813]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14764870|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2004_GlobalMappingoftheYeastGeneticInteractionNetwork_TongEtAl_Science_Feb.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[attachment:2004_SGA_Hartwell_comment.pdf|Science Perspective PDF]]<
> 1. '''The HUPO PSI Molecular Interaction Format - a community standard for the representation of protein interaction data'''<
>Hermjakob H, Montecchi-Palazzi L, '''Bader G''', Wojcik J, Salwinski L, Ceol A, Moore S, Orchard S, Sarkans U, Von Mering C, Roechert B, Poux S, Jung E, Mersch H, Kersey P, Lappe M, Li Y, Zeng R, Rana D, Nikolski M, Husi H, Brun C, Shanker K, Grant SG, Sander C, Bork P, Zhu W, Pandey A, Brazma A, Jacq B, Vidal M, Sherman D, Legrain P, Cesareni G, Xenarios I, Eisenberg D, Steipe B, Hogue C, Apweiler R<
>[[http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nbt/journal/v22/n2/abs/nbt926.html&dynoptions=doi1079900147|Nature Biotechnology 2004 Feb;22(2):177-83]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14755292|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2004_TheHUPOPSIsMolecularInteractionFormat_HermjakobMontecchiBaderEtAl_NatBiotech_Feb.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''DATA STANDARD''' == 2003 == 1. '''Playing tag with the yeast proteome'''<
>Andrews BJ, '''Bader GD''', Boone C<
>[[http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nbt/journal/v21/n11/full/nbt1103-1297.html|Nature Biotechnology Nov;21(11):1297-1299]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=14595360|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2003_OsheaWeissmanReview_NatureBiotech.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Functional Genomics and Proteomics: Charting a Multidimensional Map of the Cell'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Heilbut A, Andrews B, Tyers M, Hughes T, Boone C<
>[[http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0962892403001272|Trends in Cell Biology Jul, 2003 13(7):344-56]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12837605&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2003_BaderHeilbutAndrewsTyersHughesBooneFunctionalGenomicsProteomicsReview.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''PreBIND and Textomy - mining the biomedical literature for protein-protein interactions using a support vector machine'''<
>Donaldson I, Martin J, De Bruijn B, Wolting C, Lay V, Tuekam B, Zhang S, Baskin B, '''Bader GD''', Michalickova K, Pawson T, Hogue CW<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/4/11|BMC Bioinformatics Mar 27, 2003 4(1):11]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12689350&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:PreBIND_BMC2003.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Functional genomics of intracellular peptide recognition domains with combinatorial biology methods'''<
>Sidhu SS, '''Bader GD''', Boone C<
>[[http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S136759310200011X|Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2003 Feb;7(1):97-102]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12547433&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2003_FunctionalGenomicsOfIntracellularPeptideRecognitionDomainsWithCombinatorialBiologyMethods_Sidhu_Bader_Boone_CurrOpinChemBiol_Feb.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''An automated method for finding molecular complexes in large protein interaction networks'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Hogue CWV<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/4/2|BMC Bioinformatics 2003 Jan 13;4(1):2]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12525261&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2003_BaderHogue_MCODE.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''BIND-The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Betel D, Hogue CWV<
>[[http://nar.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/31/1/248|Nucleic Acids Research Jan 1, 2003 31(1):248-250]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12519993&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2003_BIND-theBiomolecularInteractionNetwork_Bader_Betel_Hogue_NAR_Jan.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''INTERACTION DATABASE''' == 2002 == 1. '''!SeqHound: biological sequence and structure database as a platform for bioinformatics research'''<
>Michalickova K, '''Bader GD''', Dumontier M, Lieu H, Betel D, Isserlin R, Hogue CW<
>[[http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/3/32|BMC Bioinformatics 2002, 3:32 (25 October 2002)]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12401134&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:2002_SeqHound_BMCBioinfo.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Analyzing yeast protein–protein interaction data obtained from different sources'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Hogue CW<
>[[http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nbt/journal/v20/n10/abs/nbt1002-991.html&dynoptions=doi1040752166|Nature Biotechnology 2002 Oct;20(10):991-997]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=12355115&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:BaderHogueNBT2002.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''A Combined Experimental and Computational Strategy to Define Protein Interaction Networks for Peptide Recognition Modules'''<
>Tong AH, Drees B, Nardelli G, '''Bader GD''', Brannetti B, Castagnoli L, Evangelista M, Ferracuti S, Nelson B, Paoluzi S, Quondam M, Zucconi A, Hogue CW, Fields S, Boone C, Cesareni G<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/295/5553/321|Science 2002 Jan 11;295(5553):321-324]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11743162&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:SH3ScienceJan11_2002.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[attachment:Perspective_ScienceJan11_2002.pdf|Science Perspective PDF]]<
> 1. '''Systematic identification of protein complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by mass spectrometry'''<
>Ho Y, Gruhler A, Heilbut A, '''Bader GD''', Moore L, Adams SL, Millar A, Taylor P, Bennett K, Boutilier K, Yang L, Wolting C, Donaldson I, Schandorff S, Shewnarane J, Vo M, Taggart J, Goudreault M, Muskat B, Alfarano C, Dewar D, Lin Z, Michalickova K, Willems AR, Sassi H, Nielsen PA, Rasmussen KJ, Andersen JR, Johansen LE, Hansen LH, Jespersen H, Podtelejnikov A, Nielsen E, Crawford J, Poulsen V, Sorensen BD, Matthiesen J, Hendrickson RC, Gleeson F, Pawson T, Moran MF, Durocher D, Mann M, Hogue CW, Figeys D, Tyers M<
>[[http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v415/n6868/abs/415180a_fs.html|Nature 2002 Jan 10;415(6868): 180-183]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11805837&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:HMS-PCI-Nature-Jan10_2002.pdf|PDF]]<
>[[attachment:HMS-PCINewsAndViews-NatureJan10_2002.pdf|Nature News and Views PDF]]<
>'''PROTEIN INTERACTION NETWORK ANALYSIS''' == 2001 == 1. '''Systematic Genetic Analysis with Ordered Arrays of Yeast Deletion Mutants'''<
>Tong AH, Evangelista M, Parsons AB, Xu H, '''Bader GD''', Page N, Robinson M, Raghibizadeh S, Hogue CW, Bussey H, Andrews B, Tyers M, Boone C<
>[[http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/294/5550/2364|Science 2001 Dec 14;294(5550):2364-8]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11743205&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:SGA_ScienceVol294-2001.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''BIND - The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Donaldson I, Wolting C, Ouellette BF, Pawson T, Hogue CW<
>[[http://nar.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/29/1/242|Nucleic Acids Research Jan 1, 2001 29(1):242-245]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=11125103&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:BIND_NAR_2001.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''INTERACTION DATABASE''' == 2000 == 1. '''BIND - A data specification for storing and describing biomolecular interactions, molecular complexes and pathways'''<
>'''Bader GD''', Hogue CW<
>[[http://bioinformatics.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/16/5/465|Bioinformatics 2000 May;16(5):465-77]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=10871269&dopt=Abstract|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:BIND_Spec_2000.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''INTERACTION DATABASE''' <> = Preprints = == 2024 == 1. '''Interpretable single-cell factor decomposition using sciRED'''<
>'''Pouyabahar D''', Andrews T, '''Bader GD'''<
> [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.08.01.605536v1|bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Aug 6:2024.08.01.605536]]<
>[[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39149356/|PubMed Abstract]]-[[attachment:preprintbioarxiv_August2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Direct lineage conversion of postnatal mouse cortical astrocytes to oligodendrocyte lineage cells'''<
>Bajohr J, Scott EY, Olfat A, '''Sadria M''', Lee K, Fahim M, Taha HT, Casasbuenas DL, Derham A, Yuzwa SA, '''Bader GD''', Maryam Faiz<
>[[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.28.596294v1.abstract|bioRxiv [Preprint]. May 2024 - 2024.05.28.596294]]<
> 1. '''Deep Lineage: Single-Cell Lineage Tracing and Fate Inference Using Deep Learning'''<
> '''Sadria M''', Zhang A, '''Bader GD''' <
>[[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.25.591126v1.abstract|bioRxiv [Preprint]. April 2024 - 2024.04.25.591126]]<
> 1. '''Single-cell analysis of an engineered organoid-based model of pancreatic cancer identifies hypoxia as a contributing factor in the determination of transcriptional subtypes'''<
>Natalie Landon-Brace N, '''Innes BT''', Latour S, Cadavid JL, Co IL, Tan CM, Nowlan F, Drissler S, Notta F, Jackson HW, '''Bader GD''', !McGuigan AP<
>[[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.03.05.583412v1.abstract|bioRxiv [Preprint]. March 2024 - 2024.03.14.584861]]<
> 1. '''PRMT5 is required for full-length HTT expression by repressing multiple proximal intronic polyadenylation sites'''<
>!AlQazzaz MA, Ciamponi FE, Ho JC, Maron MI, Yadav M, '''Sababi AM''', !MacLeod G, Ahmadi M, Bullivant G, Tano V, Langley SR, Sánchez-Osuna M, Sachamitr P, Kushida M, Richards L, Bardile CF, Pouladi MA, Pugh T, Tyers M, Angers S, Dirks PB, '''Bader GD''', Massirer KB, Barsyte-Lovejoy D, Shechter D, Harding RJ, Arrowsmith CH, Prinos P<
>[[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.03.14.584861v1.article-info|bioRxiv [Preprint]. March 2024 - 2024.03.05.583412]]<
> 1. '''Metformin reduces the clonal fitness of Dnmt3aR878H hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by reversing their aberrant metabolic and epigenetic state'''<
>Hosseini M, '''Voisin V''', Chegini A, Varesi A, Cathelin S, Ayyathan DM, Liu ACH, Yang Y, Wang V, Maher A, Grignano E, Reisz JA, D'Alessandro A, Young K, Wu Y, Fiumara M, Ferrari S, Naldini L, Gaiti F, Pai S, Schimmer AD, '''Bader GD''', Dick JE, Xie SZ, Trowbridge JJ, Chan SM <
>[[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10889081/|Preprint 2024 Feb 6]]<
> [[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38405837/|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:preprint_Feb2024.pdf|PDF]]<
> == 2023 == 1. '''Cell networks in the mouse liver during partial hepatectomy'''<
>Li B, Rodrigo-Torres D, Pelz C, '''Innes B''', Canaday P, Chai S, Zandstra P, '''Bader GD''', Grompe M<
> [[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.16.549116v1|bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Jul]] <
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/37503083|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:Mouseliver_BioarxivJuly2023.pdf|PDF]]<
> 1. '''Drugst.One -- A plug-and-play solution for online systems medicine and network-based drug repurposing'''<
>Maier A, Hartung M, Abovsky M, Adamowicz K, '''Bader GD''', Baier S, Blumenthal DB, Chen J, Elkjaer ML, Garcia-Hernandez C, Hoffmann M, Jurisica I, Kotlyar M, Lazareva O, Levi H, List M, Lobentanzer S, Loscalzo J, Malod-Dognin N, Manz Q, Matschinske J, Oubounyt M, Pico AR, Pillich RT, Poschenrieder JM, Pratt D, Pržulj N, Sadegh S, Saez-Rodriguez J, Sakar S, Shaked G, Shamir R, Trummer N, Turhan U, Wang R, Zolotareva O, Baumbach J<
>[[https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.15453|ArXiv [Preprint]. 2023 May 24]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/37332567|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:drugstone_BioarxivJune202023.pdf|PDF]]<
> == 2022 == 1. '''A single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomic atlas of the COVID-19 liver reveals topological, functional, and regenerative organ disruption in patients'''<
>Pita-Juarez Y, Karagkouni D, Kalavros N, Melms JC, Niezen S, Delorey TM, Essene AL, Brook OR, Pant D, Skelton-Badlani D, Naderi P, Huang P, Pan L, Hether T, Andrews TS, Ziegler CGK, Reeves J, Myloserdnyy A, Chen R, Nam A, Phelan S, Liang Y, Amin AD, Biermann J, Hibshoosh H, Veregge M, Kramer Z, Jacobs C, Yalcin Y, Phillips D, Slyper M, Subramanian A, Ashenberg O, Bloom-Ackermann Z, Tran VM, Gomez J, Sturm A, Zhang S, Fleming SJ, Warren S, Beechem J, Hung D, Babadi M, Padera RF, !MacParland SA, '''Bader GD''', Imad N, Solomon IH, Miller E, Riedel S, Porter CBM, Villani AC, Tsai LT, Hide W, Szabo G, Hecht J, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Shalek AK, Izar B, Regev A, Popov Y, Jiang ZG, Vlachos IS<
>[[https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.27.514070v1|bioRxiv Preprint. 2022 Oct 28]]<
>[[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36324805|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:BioarxivOct282022.pdf|PDF]]<
> = Textbook Chapters = == 2020 == 1. '''Biological Networks and Pathways'''<
> '''Bader GD.''' <
>in [[https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Bioinformatics,+4th+Edition-p-9781119335580|Bioinformatics 4th Eds. Andreas D. Baxevanis, Gary D. Bader, and David Wishart. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey]] <
> == 2018 == 1. '''Automated Computational Inference of Multi-protein Assemblies from Biochemical Co-purification Data'''<
>'''Goebels F., Hu L., Bader G.,''' Emili A.<
>[[https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-1-4939-7759-8_25|Methods Mol Bio 2018;1764:391-399]] - [[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29605929|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:automatedcopm.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''NETWORK ANALYSIS SOFTWARE''' == 2014 == 1. '''Biological network exploration with Cytoscape 3'''<
>Su G, Morris JH, Demchak B, '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/0471250953.bi0813s47|Curr Protoc Bioinformatics 2014 Sep 8;47:8.13.1-8.13.24]] - [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25199793|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:CurrProtocols2014.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''NETWORK ANALYSIS SOFTWARE''' == 2011 == 1. '''Displaying chemical information on a biological network using cytoscape'''<
>'''Wallace IM''', '''Bader GD''', Giaever G, Nislow C<
>[[http://www.springerlink.com/content/q321h06847668r94/#section=953422&page=1|Methods Mol Biol 2011;781:363-76]] - [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21877291|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:ChemicalInformationCytoscape_Wallace2011.pdf|PDF]] [[http://baderlab.org/VisualizingChemicalInformation|Supplemental Website]]<
> 1. '''Visualizing Gene-Set Enrichment Results Using the Cytoscape Plug-in Enrichment Map'''<
>'''Merico D''', '''Isserlin R''', '''Bader GD'''<
>[[http://www.springerlink.com/content/hq415338j6u8k124/#section=953415&page=1|Methods Mol Biol 2011;781:257-77]] - [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21877285|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:EnrichmentMapsCytoscape_MericoIsserlin2011.pdf|PDF]]<
>'''NETWORK ANALYSIS SOFTWARE''' == 2008 == 1. '''Exploring Biological Networks with Cytoscape Software'''<
>'''Natalie Yeung''', Melissa S. Cline, Allan Kuchinsky, Michael E. Smoot, and '''Gary D. Bader'''<
>[[http://mrw.interscience.wiley.com/emrw/9780471250951/cp/cpbi/article/bi0813/current/abstract|Current Protocols in Bioinformatics]] - [[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18819078|PubMed Abstract]] - [[attachment:CytoscapeCurrProtocolsProof-YeungBader_Sep2008.pdf|PDF]]<
>John Wiley & Sons, Inc.<
>'''NETWORK ANALYSIS SOFTWARE''' == 2006 == 1. '''BioPAX - Biological Pathway Data Exchange Format'''<
>'''Gary D. Bader''', Michael Cary, Chris Sander<
>[[http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/ggpb/articles/g408117/frame.html|Encyclopedia of Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics]]<
>Humana Press, New Jersey<
>'''DATA STANDARD''' == 2005 == 1. '''Cytoscape: A Software Environment for Integrated Models of Biomolecular Interaction Networks'''<
>Rowan Christmas, Iliana Avila-Campillo, Hamid Bolouri, Benno Schwikowski, Mark Anderson, Ryan Kelley, Nerius Landys, Chris Workman, Trey Ideker, Ethan Cerami, Rob Sheridan, '''Gary D. Bader''', and Chris Sander<
>[[http://educationbook.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/full/2005/1/12|Am Assoc Cancer Res Educ Book 2005: 12-16]]<
> 1. '''Exploiting Synthetic Genetic Interactions to Predict Pathways and Complexes'''<
>'''Gary D. Bader''', Amy Tong, Lan V. Zhang, Frederick P. Roth, Brenda Andrews and Charles Boone<
>in [[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0879697237/qid=1147320880/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-2952413-6681722?s=books&v=glance&n=283155|Protein-Protein Interactions: A Molecular Cloning Manual, 2nd Edition]]<
>Ed. Erica Golemis, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, New York, USA<
>'''GENETIC INTERACTION NETWORK ANALYSIS''' == 2004 == 1. '''Interaction Databases, in Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2nd Edition'''<
>'''Gary D. Bader''', Christopher W.V. Hogue<
>in [[http://www.wiley-vch.de/books/biotech/con_v05b.html|Volume 5B of the Series: Biotechnology, 2nd Edition]]<
>Eds Rehm, H.-J., Reed, G., Pühler, A., Stadler, P. Wiley-VCH, Germany<
> 1. '''Intermolecular Interactions and Biological Pathways'''<
>'''Gary D. Bader''', Anton J. Enright<
>in [[http://jws-edcv.wiley.com/college/bcs/redesign/student/0,,_0471478784_BKS_2102____,00.html|Bioinformatics 3E Eds. Andreas D. Baxevanis and B.F.Francis Ouellette. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey]]<
> 1. '''Computational Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions'''<
>Anton J. Enright, Lucy Skrabanek, '''Gary D. Bader'''<
>in [[http://www.humanapress.com/ProductDetail.pasp?txtCatalog=HumanaBooks&txtProductID=1-58829-593-1|The Proteomics Handbook Ed. John Walker. (Humana Press, New Jersey)]]<
>'''PROTEIN INTERACTION PREDICTION''' == 2003 == 1. '''Peptide Recognition Module Networks: Combining Phage Display with Two-hybrid Analysis to Define Protein-Protein Interactions'''<
>'''Gary D. Bader''', Amy Hin Yan Tong, Gianni Cesareni, Christopher W.V. Hogue, Stanley Fields, Charles Boone<
>in [[http://books.elsevier.com/us//apcatalog/us/subindex.asp?maintarget=&isbn=0121245462|Handbook of Cell Signaling]]<
>Eds. Ralph Bradshaw and Edward Dennis. (San Diego: Academic/Elsevier Press)<
>'''PROTEIN INTERACTION PREDICTION''' == 2002 == 1. '''Interaction Databases'''<
>'''Gary D. Bader''', Christopher W.V. Hogue<
>Chapter 18, in [[http://www.wiley-vch.de/books/biotech/vol_05b.html|Genomics and Bioinformatics (Volume 5B of the Series: Biotechnology, 2nd Edition.)]]<
>Eds. Rehm, H.-J., Reed, G., Pühler, A., Stadler, P.<
>Wiley-VCH, Germany<
>'''INTERACTION DATABASE''' = Theses = 1. 2023 '''Brendan Innes''' - Intercellular Signaling Networks of a Tissue from Single-Cell Transcriptomics - [[attachment:Innes_Brendan_T_202406_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics<
> 1. 2019 '''Brian Law''' - Protein-Protein Interaction Network Alignment and Evolution - [[attachment:Law_Brian_201911_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science<
> 1. 2018 '''Shobhit Jain''' - Computational Models For Domain-Peptide Mediated Protein-Protein Interactions - [[attachment:Jain_Shobhit_201806_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science<
> 1. 2013 '''Omar Wagih''' - Assessing the impact of single nucleotide variants on kinase–substrate phosphorylation - [[attachment:omarwagih_thesis_msc.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science<
> 1. 2013 '''Shirley Hui''' - Computational Prediction of PDZ Mediated Protein-Protein Interactions - [[attachment:Hui_Shirley_201311_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics<
> 1. 2013 '''Ron Ammar''' - Understanding Genome Structure and Response to Perturbation - [[attachment:Ammar_Ron_201311_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics<
> 1. 2013 '''Anastasia Baryshnikova''' - Mapping Genetic Interaction Networks in Yeast - [[attachment:Baryshnikova_Anastasia_201303_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics<
> 1. 2012 '''Chris Tan''' - Characterizing the Evolutionary Dynamics of Protein Phosphorylation Sites for Functional Phospho-proteomics - [[attachment:Tan_SoonHeng_20126_PhD_thesis.pdf|PDF]], University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics<
> 1. 2011 '''Xiaojian Shao''' - Prediction of Protein-Nucleic Acids and Protein-Protein Interactions Using Kernel Methods - [[attachment:PhDThesis(XiaojianShao).pdf|PDF]] (in Mandarin), China Agricultural University and the University of Toronto<