AutoAnnotate: User Guide


AutoAnnotate is a Cytoscape App that finds clusters and visually annotates them with labels and groups. These visualizations provide a concise visual summary which is helpful for network analysis and interpretation.

AutoAnnotate started as a feature of the EnrichmentMap App but has since been extracted into its own standalone App.

Getting Started (Installing)



Alternatively AutoAnnotate and clusterMaker2 can be installed from the App Store website.

Creating an Annotation Set


Create Annotation Set Dialog


WARNING: AutoAnnotate will manage all of the annotations and groups for the current network view. It is not recommended to manually create annotations or groups on a network view that has Annotation Sets. This is because AutoAnnotate may erase manually created annotations as you work with your Annotation Sets. If you would like to manually create annotations at any time please duplicate the network view.


Software/AutoAnnotate/UserManual (last edited 2016-01-28 14:32:37 by MikeKucera)

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