Enrichment Map Logo
User Manual


The Enrichment Map Cytoscape Plugin allows you to visualize the results of gene-set enrichment as a network. It will operate on any generic enrichment results as well as specifically on Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) results. Nodes represent gene-sets and edges represent mutual overlap; in this way, highly redundant gene-sets are grouped together as clusters, dramatically improving the capability to navigate and interpret enrichment results.

Gene-set enrichment is a data analysis technique taking as input

  1. a (ranked) gene list, from a genomic experiment

  2. gene-sets, grouping genes on the basis of a-priori knowledge (e.g. Gene Ontology) or experimental data (e.g. co-expression modules)

and generating as output the list of enriched gene-sets, i.e. best sets that summarizing the gene-list. It is common to refer to gene-set enrichment as functional enrichment because functional categories (e.g. Gene Ontology) are commonly used as gene-sets.



The Enrichment Map Plugin requires Cytoscape Version 2.6.x. If you don't have Cytoscape or an older Version (2.5 or older), please download the latest Release from http://www.cytoscape.org/ and install it on your computer.

Quick Start Guide

Creating an Enrichment Map

You have two main options:

The only difference between the two modes is the structure of the enrichment table(s). In either case, to use the plugin you will need the following files:

(*) GSEA saves the enrichment table as a .xls file; however, these are not true Excel files, they are tab-separated text files with a modified extension; Enrichment Map does not work with "true" Excel .xls files.

If your enrichment results were generated from GSEA, you will just have to pick the right files from your results folder. If you have generated the enrichment results using another method, you will have to go to the Full User Guide, File Format section, and make sure that the file format complies with Enrichment Map requirements.

You can use the parameter defaults. For a more careful choice of the parameter settings, please go to the Full User Guide, Tips on Parameter Choice.

Graphical Mapping of Enrichment

Exploring the Enrichment Map

Advanced tips

Full User Guide

File Formats

Gene sets file (GMT file)

Expression Data file (GCT, TXT or RNK file)

$ replace_probeSetIDs.py -h
Usage: replace_probeSetIDs.py [options] -i input.gct -o output.gct -c platform.chip

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i FILE, --input=FILE
                        input .gct file
  -o FILE, --output=FILE
                        output .gct file
  -c FILE, --chip=FILE  Chip File
  --collapse            Collapse multiple probesets for the same gene symbol
  --no-collapse         Don't collapse multiple probesets (default)

Enrichment Results files

GSEA result files

Generic results files


  1. description and FDR columns can have empty or NA values, but the column and the column header must exist
  2. if no value is provided under phenotype, Enrichment Map will assume there is only one phenotype, and will map enrichment p-values to red

Additional Information on GSEA File Formats

Additional Information on GSEA File Formats can be found here

RPT files

Advanced Settings

Tips on Parameter Choice

P-value and FDR Thresholds

Here are different sets of thresholds you may consider for GSEA:

We recommend to use permissive thresholds only if your having a hard time finding any enriched terms. For high quality, high coverage transcriptomic data, the number of enriched terms at the very conservative threshold is usually 100-250.

Jaccard vs. Overlap Coefficient

Overlap Thresholds

Jaccard Thresholds

The Input Panel


  1. Analysis Type

    • There are two distinct types of Enrichment map analyses, GSEA or Generic.
      • GSEA - takes as inputs the output files created in a GSEA analysis. File formats are specific to files created by GSEA. The main difference between this and generic is the number and format of the Enrichment results files. GSEA analysis always has two enrichment results files, one for each of the phenotypes compared.

      • Generic - takes as inputs the same file formats as a GSEA analysis except the Enrichment results file is a different format and there is only one enrichment file. Generic File description

  2. Genesets - path to gmt file describing genesets. User can browse hard drive to find file by pressing ... button.

  3. Dataset 1 - User can specify expression and enrichment files or alternatively, an rpt file which will populate all the fields in genesets,dataset # and advanced sections.

  4. Advanced - Initially collapsed (expand by clicking on arrow head directly next to Advanced), users have the option of modifying the phenotype labels or loading gene rank files.

  5. Parameters - User can specify p-value, fdr and overlap/jaccard cutoffs. Choosing Optimal parameter values

  6. Actions - The user has three choices, Reset (clears input panel), Close (closes input panel), and Build Enrichment map (takes all parameters in panel and builds an Enrichment map)

The Data Panel

Expression Viewer

Node Attributes

Edge Attributes

The Results Panel

Parameters pane

Customizing Defaults with Cytoscape Properties

The Enrichment Map Plugin evaluates a number of Cytoscape Properties with which a user can define some customized default values.
These can be added and changed with the Cytoscape Preferences Editor (Edit / Preferences / Properties...) or by directly editing the file cytoscape.props within the .cytoscape folder in the User's HOME directory.

Supported Cytoscape Properties are:

Default P-value cutoff for Building Enrichment Maps

Default Value: 0.05

valid Values: float >0.0, <1.0

Default Q-value cutoff for Building Enrichment Maps
Default Value: 0.25

valid Values: float >0.0, <1.0

Default Overlap coefficient cutoff for Building Enrichment Maps
Default Value: 0.50

valid Values: float >0.0, <1.0

Default Jaccard coefficient cutoff for Building Enrichment Maps
Default Value: 0.25

valid Values: float >0.0, <1.0

Default choice of similarity metric for Building Enrichment Maps

Default Value: Jaccard

valid Values: Jaccard, Overlap

Set the default sorting in the legend/parameters panel to Hierarchical Clustering,
  • Ranks (default the first rank file, if no ranks then it is no sort), Column (default is the first column) or no sort.

Default Value: Hierarchical Cluster

valid Values: Hierarchical Cluster, Ranks, Columns, No Sort

Threshold for the maximum number of Genes before a dialogue opens to confirm if clustering should be performed.
Default Value: 1000
valid Values: Integer
nodelinkouturl.MSigDb.GSEA Gene sets

LinkOut URL for MSigDb.GESA Gene sets.

Default Value: http://www.broad.mit.edu/gsea/msigdb/cards/%ID%.html

valid Values: URL
Flag to override the automatic focus on the Heatmap once a Node or Edge is selected.

Default Value: FALSE

valid Values: TRUE, FALSE

Software/EnrichmentMap/UserManual (last edited 2010-02-02 16:25:36 by OliverStueker)

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